I’m a big advocate of colored pencils when it comes to sketching animals in general, and for including some color to your sketch of a Bald Eagle, they are simply the best. Draw the line for the jaw a little higher than the edge of the initial circle. To begin with, you will begin with a stopping curve at the top of the head and downward into the trunk. ( Log Out / CONGRATULATIONS! The lines have not to be smooth, Elephants' skin is full of wrinkles, specially on the trunk. As this is a cartoon like elephant, there is no need for “attention to detail”. Step 4. Start by drawing the tusk of your African Elephant in pencil. You can purchase harder pencils than HB, but these are much more suited to various types of technical drawing styles. For the front legs, draw a pair of parallel curved lines. They will need to bend inwards and join together in an angular shape that will become the feet. Well, what I was trying to show you (in the picture above) was that the elephant is made up of a bunch of simple shapes. These are simply several of the strategies you can make use of when drawing your elephant in watercolor, so get started and enjoy yourself!. See to it you recognize the difference before you purchase, specifically if you purchase your pencils online. You can change the results tremendously by varying the amount of wetness when you paint right into the wash or damp paper. Step 5: Draw the under belly, tail and beginning of the snout. Step 1: Begin by drawing the forehead of the Elephant. T makes the ear start from the top of the head and the curve around ends in a point. Then, you take a clean wet brush and you carefully lift off the color or tone you wish to lighten. Also, ears of the latter are thinner and easily folded on the top. When drawing your African elephant, you will need to start by drawing head, body and ears. So, beginning with the forelegs, sketch a long rectangular shape—bending slightly at the knee to indicate that the elephant is moving. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Create a hook at the end of the trunk and draw a line back, finishing the trunk. They spend a lot of their time in forests, deserts near shrubs, and roaming in the grasslands of the Savannah. Step 5 At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Elephant Face. Currently, there are two species : the African elephant and the Asian elephant , which are distributed on these continents. In the video, I am practicing a method whereby I initially draw the volumes of the animal with straightforward circles. Hopefully this tutorial will show you how to make a quick sketch look more developed and realistic. They use these for many purposes, particularly breathing, grasping objects, and lifting water. How To Draw Animals Elephants Their Species And Anatomy. Step 6: Finish the … You will now need to add trunk and face to the elephant. You will learn to draw every animal, in a very short period of time. ” Dry Brush” is the opposite technique, best for adding the smallest of details, and also a remarkable complement to Wet in Wet. You do not need to purchase the most costly brand name of colored pencils for your Elephant drawing, yet you mostly get what you pay for, so don’t opt for the cheapest ones either. However if you want to be more specific, you can draw rounded ears for an African elephant and more triangle like ears for the Asian elephant. What am I trying to draw there? To draw a cartoon elephant, start by drawing a circle with an oval attached to it on the right side. Draw long and short lines to begin sketching the rear legs. The following technique is among my individual favourites for the control it offers you for producing subtle tones. “Those great guys at PAINT BASKET have put together an amazing selection of Art Tutorials, I cannot recommend them highly enough”. Don’t worry about mistakes because you can erase these later. Next draw the other leg by drawing two parallel lines joining one leg similar to the first. I recommend watching the video below of me drawing a Rottweiler in graphite pencil. Materials we are going to use for an elephant drawing: paper; pencil; eraser; Elephants, the largest existing land animals, are mammals of the family Elephantidae. The next step is to draw belly and hind legs. Step 4. Then, draw rectangles off of the oval for the elephant’s legs. Now we can add the outline of the ear and the eye. Step 6: Draw a big arc to the right of the head that extends onto the body for the elephant's ear. The weight of an elephant can exceed 12,000 pounds which is quite heavy. In comparison to their size, African elephants have surprisingly thin legs. How to draw an African Elephant Grid step You can print out the base construction lines and start drawing on tracing paper or you can draw the grid layout yourself using the following steps… Later, you will be using a pen or marker to outline the ‘right’ lines. You can see the range of effects it can create in the image further down. Now you have an African elephant. 5. At the bottom of each leg, draw short lines to begin the feet. For the back draw a curve that comes from the top of the head, going down and bent around the back. The elephant is lit uniformly, and the values of the shades and lights are too similar. Step 1: Draw a big oval as a guide for the elephant's body. Graphite pencils are rated according to their relative hardness. Please observe the body well again. The harder the pencil, the lighter the line it makes on the page. Draw a line down from the bottom of the head. Draw lightly at first so that you can erase easily if you want to change anything. Once you have finished your easy to draw Elephant there is a lot more to learn that would serve you well in your more advanced animal drawing. YOU’VE DRAWN AN AFRICAN ELEPHANT! Patrick has been a professional artist for forty years, selling his work in galleries all over the world. Find out how to draw an elephant easy and fast using the steps that are described in this drawing tutorial. Another free Animals for beginners step by step drawing video tutorial. How to Draw an African Elephant Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Step 12: Draw the elephant's ear inside the head. The teeth of an elephant are more than 12 inches long and they can weigh up to 11 pounds. A normal set of 5 pencils appropriate for animal drawing in general, will range from 8B, the softest, to HB, the hardest. How to Draw an African Elephant step by step with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. The next step is to draw the elephant’s body. Elephant is in motion. In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw an African Elephant Face in 5 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists. Play around with this just for the enjoyment on a scrap little bit of watercolor paper to get experience as well as self-confidence. Now draw in the back leg and the line of its belly. Draw a line down from the bottom of the head. Begin drawing the elephant's legs. Step 7: To the right of the elephant's body, draw a small curved line for the tail. Elephants often show their feelings, and the male and female can often be seen holding each other’s trunks during the mating ritual, which is quite sweet. African elephants have larger ears and concave backs, whereas Asian elephants have smaller ears, and convex or level backs. Draw outlines for head & trunk. How To Draw An African Elephant Head DOWNLOAD IMAGE. Step 5. There are two kinds of African elephant, the African bush elephant, and the African forest elephant. Draw the tusk, the big C or reversed C shaped ear and an eye. Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version. They are the largest living animal on the land and they live in central, western and eastern Africa. Add eyes, tusks, and wrinkle lines to … You can use it with a huge soft round brush called a Mop, or a huge flat brush called a Wash Brush or just a “Flat”. Create a hook at the end of the trunk and draw a line back, finishing the trunk. The African elephant uses its trunk as a fifth limb, a method of touching things, and also a method of amplifying sound when it gives it’s typical trumpeting call. Draw a point out from the trunk on the opposite side. Step 2. Draw a point out from the trunk on the opposite side. How to Draw an African Elephant. Draw two parallel lines going down from the body. Let's start with the guide lines. Step 3: Draw two intersecting lines inside the elephant's head to help you place the facial features later on. Step 3. Elephants are herbivores which means they live on plants. Then there is the line going from the leg to the right abdomen. The most noticeable, distinctive feature of the elephant is of course it’s long trunk, which is also known as a proboscis. When you try to get away with working with simply a single HB pencil, you will certainly find yourself pushing down too hard in a futile attempt to obtain a deep enough tone. For the belly draw a slightly curved line from the front leg to the hind feet will be. Elephants have been known to live up to 70 years old in the wild. Compare the length of the legs to the rest of the body. That means when a product is purchased through my links, I get a small commission at no extra cost to you. ( Log Out / As we noted earlier, African elephants have bigger ears than Asian ones. This is likewise where you could use an extremely little brush, such as a 000 Round as an example. Draw two parallel lines going down from the body. The final step is to draw the tail by drawing the lines coming from behind that connect to each other at a point creating a thin tail. This is because you can use watercolor in several ways. Off of the circle, draw curves for the elephant’s trunk and ears. CLICK IMAGE FOR BIGGER VERSION Step 3: Draw the African elephant's huge … For ivory, draw a rectangle with a point coming out of it. Next, draw another elephant trademark feature - its tusks. Then there is the line going from the leg to the right abdomen. Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for … Nov 27, 2015 - How to draw an African Elephant step by step. Time now to add the first front leg and foot. When it comes to Asian elephant females, draw an upper lip in the place where the tusks usually begin. Learn how to draw an elephant with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. How to Draw an African Elephant Head. The largest elephant of all is the Savanna elephant, a subspecies of the African elephant that can be as tall as 13 feet and weigh as much as 26,000 pounds. The African elephant has much larger ears and body than the Asian elephant. How to Draw an Elephant – Step by Step Elephant Drawing Tutorial. View As : Colored Pencils Video Standard Printable Step by Step. Step 2: Draw a circle next to the oval as a guide for the elephant's head. For the eyes, draw a small circle. The elephants are most majestic animal of the animal kingdom not only for its large size , but also for its particular characteristics that in some respects make them similar to humans. Elephant ears are flat and thin, perfect to be used as fans. Step 2: Draw the outline of the tusks. How To Draw A Elephant Step 1 Elephant drawing - step 5. Change ). In this tutorial we will draw an African elephant. The images above represents how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved. Draw two simple oval eyes, with small ovals inside for the pupils. These brushes work well for backgrounds to your Elephant drawing, enabling you to make use of a method called “wet in wet” which can be great amusement as it is extremely easily done. Do you see the body of the elephant looks like an oval and the face of the elephant looks like a circle and an oval …etc Lightly draw the elephant’s simpler shapes the way that I did above. ” Wet in wet” is one of the great experiences you can have with watercolor, painting directly right into either moistened paper or a tinted wash that has actually not yet dried. For example, this following photo of an African elephant may seem like a good reference for a drawing at first but if we look at it closely, it is not. The two lines converge toward the elephant's nostrils, which you'll draw as a circle with two dots inside. Drawing an Elephant in Watercolor is not as hard as it may appear at first glance. This elephant that you will see in the tutorial has a cartoon look and it can be a fun one for all ages. Print Tutorial. Step 8: Below the elephant's body, draw four straight lines as guides for the legs. The images above represents how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved. Step 1. You can use different sizes of brush depending on the final result you want to achieve. I participate in some affiliate programs. DOWNLOAD IMAGE. They’re scattered through sub saharan Africa. Moving on to the hind legs, use the shape of the elephant's body to guide your drawing. Draw outlines for arms, legs, hands & feet. Switching to a softer pencil is a much better solution, especially as a set of 5 pencils is not too expensive. That is weird!!! Please refer to the How to draw Tyrannosaurus Rex video tutorial and step-by-step instructions on the website: http://htdraw.com. In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw an African Elephant Head in 11 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists. Draw the other ear. Now you will need to paint the legs. To begin with, you will begin with a stopping curve at the top of the head and downward into the trunk. Drawing tutorials for kids and beginners. Basically, you cover an area with flat color or tone and then you allow it to dry thoroughly. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The Loxo part of the name means oblique, and Donta means tooth. That's it for the initial sketch of the elephant! First, round off the elephant's ears with a wide curve at the top, and a narrow one at the bottom. The final step is to draw the tail by drawing the lines coming from behind that connect to each other at a point creating a thin tail. ( Log Out / They form family units, sometimes combining several families together, and generally led by the oldest female elephant, the matriarch of the herd. An elephant can grow to more than 12 feet in height, which is rather tall I think! Create a hook at the end of the trunk and draw a line back, finishing the trunk. Draw the head with ears, trunk and fangs. African elephants have the largest brain of any land animal, and the average weight of an elephant’s brain is eleven pounds. Watch this video to get tips and learn techniques that you can apply, should you like to do a more advanced drawing of an African Elephant. You will now need to add trunk and face to the elephant. For the belly draw a slightly curved line from the front leg to the hind feet will be. The scientific term for an African elephant is Loxodonta Africana. This is a dynamic picture which means that the elephant is walking. Learn how to draw an elephant by following Jan's simple instructions that go from making easy shapes to the finished product. Keep the far leg straight. Basically, to draw an elephant is very simple, but it has a few tricky parts. Follow the bottom edge of the initial circle to draw the bottom part of the head. Step 4: Start to draw the outline of the legs from the body. Huh? Get two or 3 of each sort of coloured pencil to see which kind you enjoy using the most before buying a full range of pencils. Tags: how to sketch, how to draw elephants, how to draw realistic animals Description: Hey everyone, Here's a tutorial on how to sketch an African elephant. Notice the angles of the legs while the animal walks. DOWNLOAD IMAGE. The next step is to draw belly and hind legs. Draw two lines for the trunk that are connected by curved line on the elephant's face. Not the shape of the knees. They will need to bend inwards and join together in an angular shape that will become the feet. Up to 690,000 elephants live in the wilds of Africa, while about 60,000 elephants … How to Draw an African Elephant - An easy, step by step drawing lesson for kids. You can use it with a huge soft round brush called a Mop, or a … Asian elephants' heads have two domes on top, while African elephants only have one, so draw two curved lines at the top. When drawing your African elephant, you will need to start by drawing head, body and ears. Draw an oval & a circle. Now you have created the ear. The African elephant has a trunk that ends in two lips which it can use to pick things up, as opposed to the Asian elephant which has only one, and so the Asian elephant must wrap its trunk around things to pick them up. Known to live up to 11 pounds, massive legs, use the shape of head. Have surprisingly thin legs method whereby I initially draw the volumes of the head that onto! 5 pencils is not too expensive larger ears and body than the Asian elephant a small curved line the! 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