Roosters are larger than hens and have larger, rounder wattles with larger combs. [1], Silkies are considered a bantam breed in some countries, but this varies according to region and many breed standards class them officially as large fowl; the bantam Silkie is actually a separate variety most of the time. They are usually dark purple-black, sometimes blend in with the color of their skin or are covered by feathers, but they are there if you look!eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'chickenandchicksinfo_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',118,'0','0'])); Silkies are listed as having a “walnut” shaped comb. Remember that you need to judge each by its own color. Wattles that are medium-sized in non-bearded Silkies and concealed by the beard or simply non-existent in bearded Silkies 5. As early as the 7th century, traditional Chinese medicine has held that chicken soup made with Silkie meat is a curative food. A crest that is soft and full, of mediu… Sadly, the Buttercup is in critical need of conservation. [4], Silkies most likely made their way to the West via the Silk Route and maritime trade. While the feet of the Silkie display polydactyly, the wings have the standard tridactyly (three digit) arrangement. A chickens’ comb is something quite unique to them. The comb is a fleshy red hat and serves more purposes than you think! [8] In contrast, several Asian cuisines consider Silkie meat a gourmet food. Their feathers lack functioning barbicels, and are thus similar to down on other birds. The Silkie (sometimes spelled Silky) is a breed of chicken named for its atypically fluffy plumage, which is said to feel like silk and satin. (Strange But True), Are Backyard Chicken Eggs Safe To Eat? (Yes, and Super-Tasty! Silkie has two sizes: The Silkie mini and bantam-These are small, with males filling the measurements at 600 g (22 Ozs) or 500 g (18 Ozs) of hens. and the hen at 32 oz. Silkies are also unique in that their feathers do not have barbicels. Silkies also have dark blue/black skin, meat, and bones. Alternative hues, such as cuckoo, lavender, red, and splash also exist. This cockerel is about 5 months old. And unlike most chickens, they have 5 toes on each foot (most chickens only have 4). They vary in size. They are often exhibited in poultry shows, and appear in various colors. A beak that is stout and short, bearing a curve to its point 2. They also are separated according to color. Hen wattles are a sign of maturity. Want to know when Silkies lay eggs and how many per year. Colors of Silkie recognized for competitive showing include black, blue, buff, grey, partridge, and white. Hens wattles will turn bright red/pink when closer to point of lay (4-9 months in age). [1], Silkie plumage was once unique among chicken breeds, however in recent years silkie feathering has been developed in several breeds, mostly notably the Chabo, where it is now standardised in Britain and the Netherlands. Black face, blue-grey beak and bright turquoise earlobes - a Silkie! Silkie roosters have very unique and interesting looking combs. [5], In the 21st century, Silkies are one of the most popular and ubiquitous ornamental breeds of chicken. This is much harder to spot on Silkies with black combs. If your silkie's comb is this big than you can be 99.9 percent sure they are a rooster. Strawberry comb 8. The wattles and comb should be black or a dark, mulberry shade - if it's red, it's not a full-bred Silkie. While the males have larger, more rounded combs. The females’ combs tend to be more of a “V” shape. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'chickenandchicksinfo_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',105,'0','0']));Their combs vary greatly though. Most but not all Silkie roosters have a larger walnut comb than a hen when mature. Cushion comb 6. [16] The genetic cause behind Silkie polydactyly differs from those that cause polydactyly in the Dorking chicken breed, which is due to ectopic FGF4 expression in the AER, with ectopic SHH a secondary effect. Comb type: Walnut: Characteristics Of The Silkie Chicken. The comb coloring should be black or dark mulberry – any other color and it is not a pure Silkie.They have oval shaped turquoise blue earlobes and dark colored wattles. Do Chickens Have Feelings in Their Combs? Why Aren’t Eggs Refrigerated in Europe? Not negotiating on price. Buttercup comb 7. When Do Wyandotte Chickens Start Laying Eggs? Silkie cockerel waddles usually take longer to develop than other breeds. Silkies are unlike other chicken breeds in that their skin is a dark blue-black color. Silkies are most certainly different in many ways to a ‘regular’ chicken appearance!The head should be crested, looking somewhat like a ‘pom-pom’ (similar to a polish chicken). ). While males have a more rounded or “U” shape comb. The older they are, the bigger their comb. Strawberry: This comb resembles a strawberry. Their combs will almost always be larger when fully developed too. When Do Rhode Island Red Chickens Start Laying Eggs? The Silkie and several other breeds descended from Asian stock possess the mutation. Cockerels’ wattles develop and often begin to redden as early as 5-6 weeks of age. Today the breed is the most popular and ubiquitous ornamental chicken breed. Ameraucana eggs can be light blue to almost green to sky blue – it just depends on … The breed has several other unusual qualities, such as black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot, whereas most chickens only have four. Lets start with looking at physical appearance in newborn chicks. Hatched out by a Silkie/Cochen hen. The Crest: A Silkie cockerel's crest will be shaped differently that the Silkie pullet's crest. 4:12. It is among the most docile of poultry. For other uses, see, "Genetic study of black chickens shed light on mechanisms causing rapid evolution in domestic animals", "Disruption of a long-range cis-acting regulator for Shh causes preaxial polydactyly", "Skeletal Analysis and Characterization of Gene Expression Related to Pattern Formation in Developing Limbs of Japanese Silkie Fowl", "Hyperpigmentation in the Silkie fowl correlates with abnormal migration of fate-restricted melanoblasts and loss of environmental barrier molecules", 10.1002/1097-0177(20010301)220:3<212::AID-DVDY1105>3.0.CO;2-9,, Articles with dead external links from July 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 9 December 2020, at 19:52. Silkies have purplish-black combs and wattles. They are called “walnut” combs because they look a lot like a walnut. Hopefully, you now know everything you ever wanted to know about Silkies combs, wattles, and everything in between. In it, he spoke on "wool-bearing chickens" and ones "clothed with hair like that of a black cat". [3] The American Standard of Perfection calls for males that are 36 ounces (1 kg), and females that are 32 ounces (910 grams). The comb is walnut. Silkie hens NEW by: Russ Hall I am looking for someone who has 2 silkie hens that they could part with. Bearded and non-bearded Silkies have a feathery crest, or topknot, on the top of their head. Single comb 2. Their capacity for incubation, which has been selectively bred out of most fowl bred especially for egg production, is often exploited by poultry keepers by allowing Silkies to raise the offspring of other birds. They are often exhibited in poultryshows, and appear in various colors. Males tend to get a comb earlier and be a little more aggressive, but since even adult Silkies don't exhibit those traits as much as other chicken breeds, it can be hard to notice. Keep an eye on their combs and wattles. I've always paid $30.00 for breeding stock hens and $20.00 for roosters, and travelled four hours round-trip to get them. Ameraucana chickens also appear to have a “beard of feathers” and adorable muffs that sometimes almost cover their face. These longer, pointed, hard feathers are similar to those of other birds. Note: Ayam Cemani and Silkie waddles and combs are black in color. In addition to these defining characteristics, Silkies have five toes on each foot. In many cases even the males can possess some of the maternal instincts and can be very gentle towards the chicks, calling them over when he finds a tasty tidbit and as soon as the chicks are old enough to venture any distance away from Mom, they will be seen running around with Dad just as often. Raised with chickens. Their combs vary greatly though. Silkie chicken was first admitted into the American Poultry Association’s Standard of Perfection in 1874. The 'walnut' (also known as 'cushion') comb is a feature. Related – Want to know when Silkies lay eggs and how many per year? It will have thicker, more sturdy legs than a female. This pea comb, together with the wattles and the round earlobes, should be red. [10] Disregarding color, the breed does not generally produce as much as the more common meat breeds of chicken. Areas where Chinese cuisine has a strong influence, such as Malaysia, may also cook Silkie. The genetic cause of this extra digit formation has been shown to be a SNP in a regulator of the SHH gene, called the ZPA Regulatory Sequence (ZRS). Ancona chicken. Finally, A Chicken Run that Doesn’t Stink, Gives Compost + … [1] Once Silkies became more common in the West, many myths were perpetuated about them. They also have good maternal instincts, willing to sit on other birds’ eggs, even turkeys. Some of the most common combs include the buttercup, cushion, rose and the classic single comb. The comb is often described as walnut, strawberry or cushion (the preferred term) and should be slightly rounded in the male (more wide than long) with an indentation running left to right and many small lumps across it (it has been likened to a flattened mulberry). How To Sex Young Silkie Chickens at VJP Poultry – 3/7/17. Standard fowl-Large Fowl Silkies weigh 1.8 kilograms (4lbs) and for males or 1.36 kilograms (3lbs) and for hens. Silkie roosters also have unique feathers alongside the fuzzy ones. The downside is that larger combs are more susceptible to frostbite in the cold weather. Typically, much like combs, the males will have larger wattles. Another theory is that chickens use their combs to recognize each other or they might play a role in their flock hierarchy. This characteristic leaves Silkies unable to fly. V-comb 5. My buffs are always bigger than my other colors. [8] The usual methods of cooking include using Silkie to make broth, braising, and in curries. Way back in 380BC, Aristotle mentioned Chinese Silkies in his writings. [11] The Australian Poultry Standard and British Poultry Standard call for Silkie bantams much smaller; in the Australian, the standard weights are 680 g (25 oz) for males and 570 g (20 oz) for females. Brimwood Farm 157,868 views. If your Silkie is developing a RED comb and wattles then I'm sorry- you've not bought a Silkie at all, just a silkie feathered crossbreed. As warm blood flows through these thin, dangly, fleshy external parts of their bodies it’s cooled by the air around them. Roosters with larger combs might even be able to attract mates over roosters with smaller combs. I am located near Greenville Kentucky. It is among the most docile of poultry. The Japanese Silkie initially develops additional digits in the wing as an embryo, but these are lost prior to hatching. They are often kept as ornamental fowl or pet chickens by backyard keepers, and are also commonly used to incubate and raise the offspring of other chickens and waterfowl like ducks and geese and game birds such as quail and pheasants. At least, that’s my experience. [1] The earliest surviving written account of Silkies comes from Marco Polo, who wrote of a "furry" chicken in the 13th century during his travels in Asia. With all the variations in types it can sometimes be difficult to find out which comb your chickens have. If you’re familiar with what a walnut shell looks like – which I’m sure you are – this will make perfect sense. The head of a Silkie chicken should be covered in a round tufted crest, almost like a pom-pom, with a small rounded comb that looks similar to a walnut. Shape - Male and Female § Comb: Male - Walnut - set firmly and evenly on head, almost circular in shape, preferably broader than longer, with a number of small prominences over it, a slight indentation or furrow, transversely across the middle, rising at a point just forward of the nostrils and extending backwards to a point parallel with the front of the eyes. What Kind of Comb Does a Silkie Chicken Have? Related – Signs you have a Silkie rooster. Not sure of sex but none are fighting. It sits forward on the head and looks like a large cushion comb. Silkie chicken has very light in weight but it is a good layer. If you have a brood, however, the males will almost certainly start to develop their combs first. On a red comb, the first indication of frostbite would be black bits at the extremities. Silkies are notoriously hard to sex from an early age. Silkie Chickens | The Difference Between Silkie Hens and Roosters - Duration: 4:12. Silkies are listed as having a “walnut” shaped comb. [3] In 1598, Ulisse Aldrovandi, a writer and naturalist at the University of Bologna, Italy, published a comprehensive treatise on chickens which is still read and admired today. It is unknown exactly where or when these fowl with their singular combination of attributes first appeared, but the most well documented point of origin is ancient China (hence another occasionally encountered name for the bird, Chinese silk chicken). 7 are lavender, 1 white, 1 pearl. Sharbot Lake area. [1], Silkies appear in two distinct varieties: bearded and non-bearded. Two were, but I sold him. Silkie hens do have combs and wattles, yes. A boy may be slightly bigger than a girl chick. In addition to their distinctive physical characteristics, Silkies are well known for their calm, friendly temperament. Much like why they have much more colorful plumage than hens. [14][15] This causes ectopic SHH expression in the anterior of the developing limb bud, leading to increased tissue growth and digits. Buttercup: Only one breed has this comb, the Sicilian Buttercup. Hens are also exceptionally broody, and care for young well. Just remember that a rooster at two weeks at age is going to have a smaller comb than one at four weeks. Other breeds which exhibit this rare trait include the Dorking, Faverolles, and Sultan. Other places in Southeast Asia have been named as possibilities, such as India and Java. A Silkies should be even coloured, well marked and have a crest or beard if appropriate. tried another Roo no good so gave the 2nd roo to a little girl whose dad said it was ok. Black is the preferred color but hey I will take what I can get. Silkies are one of the popular curiosities of the poultry world, with their nearly black skin, face, comb, wattles, flesh and bones, and their hair-like plumage in which there is no web. The Buttercup Combs has two sides with two big ridges that start at the ends of … Though they are fair layers themselves, laying only about three eggs a week, they are commonly used to hatch eggs from other breeds and bird species due to their broody nature. A key difference between a silkie hen and a silkie rooster is size. The Science Learning Hub gives an in-depth explanation on how feathers work in their Feathers and Flight article.. [12] The British standard weight for bantam Silkies is 600 g (22 oz) for males, and 500 g for females (18 oz). Rose comb 3. Traditional Chinese soup made with Silkie also uses ingredients such as wolfberries, Dioscorea polystachya (mountain yam), orange peel, and fresh ginger. With Silkies being such a unique and interesting looking breed their combs are even more fascinating. They are a little bit like fingerprints, every chicken has a unique comb. Enjoy: Copyright © 2020 | | As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The Silkie's characteristic 'silky' feathers look that way because they don't have the 'barbs' other chickens do. 5: Wattle - Male Silkies will develop their wattle much sooner than females. More about their physical appearance. Yes, they do. They do! Just remember, usually chicken genders are about 50-50, so if you have four chickens… Females tend to have more of a “V” shape comb. Pea comb 4. Chicken combs come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Silkies have wattles just the same as other chickens. A real Silkie has mulberry colored skin, and this pigment is so dominant it actually penetrates right through the muscle and to the bones which are nearly black. You’ll see small combs, large combs, round-shaped, etc. The Showgirl Silkie is a Silkie crossed with a Turken Chicken to get the naked necks. The most striking thing about Silkies is their bright neon blue earlobes that some of them have. If you’re familiar with what a walnut shell looks like – which I’m sure you are – this will make perfect sense. Their eyes should be brilliant black, small and round. There are a few sensible guesses that are backed somewhat by science.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'chickenandchicksinfo_com-leader-1','ezslot_6',107,'0','0'])); The first is that chickens use their combs and wattles as a way to better regulate their body temperature. Again, the most iconic wattles for Skilikes are the black or dark purples color ones that I’m sure you’ve seen on white-feathered birds. Chinese cuisine especially values the breed, but it is also a common ingredient in some Japanese, Cambodian, Vietnamese and Korean dishes. Absolutely, have you ever tried to touch their comb? I also will settle for just one. However, even standard Silkies are relatively small chickens, with the males weighing only four pounds (1.8 kg), and females weighing three pounds (1.36 kg). The Silkie (sometimes spelled Silky) is a breed of chicken named for its atypically fluffy plumage, which is said to feel like silk and satin. Ancona is a black chicken breed that began through Italy’s Marche region and was … What Kind of Comb Does a Silkie Chicken Have? Hen 32 oz. $25.00 each or $200.00 for all nine. You will see that some are developing a wattle where others aren’t. Not only does it make perfect sense, but I’ve seen how chickens with much larger combs and wattles handle the warmer weather better. [3], All Silkies have black or bluish skin, bones and grayish-black meat; their Chinese language name is wu gu ji (烏骨雞[9]), meaning 'black-boned chicken'. The Comb: Usually, a male will have a larger comb than a female. Also, a Silkie cockerel's comb seems to develop faster than a Silkie pullet's comb. They also develop their combs earlier than pullets. You cant judge a buff against a white for size for example. It is thought that they originated in India, China or Japan and they arrived in Europe around 200 years ago where they were sold as crosses between rabbits and chickens! [3], The black meat of a Silkie is generally considered an unusual attribute in European and American cuisines. Pullet 28 oz. And they are kept for both ornamental and exhibition purpose. It seems to be sensitive to touch for most chickens, and with Silkies having large walnut-shaped combs, they don’t want people poking it! Other breed standard characteristics of the Silkieare: 1. I subscribe to this theory. This unusual comb belongs to Silkies and Orloffs. Silkie has very different features. They’re not always red in color either, a lot are black. [8], This article is about a variety of a chicken. I say “almost” because there are always exceptions, which just further adds to the difficult task of sexing Silkies. [8] Melanism which extends beyond the skin into an animal's connective tissue is a rare trait, and in chickens it is caused by fibromelanosis, which is a rare mutation believed to have begun in Asia. Most people will tell you that you won’t know the sex of your silkie until it either crows or lays an egg. Eyes that are round, large, and prominent 4. These can sometimes be difficult to see against the dark skin of the breed. [17], Silkies lay a fair number of eggs, of a cream color, but production is often interrupted due to their extreme tendency to go broody; a hen will produce 100 eggs in an ideal year. That’s not the case all over the globe; only certain places get the bantam. Head of a white Silkie female owned by David Pell showing the walnut comb. The comb and wattles of a Silkie can range from black to mulberry in color and their earlobes are either bright turquoise or mulberry – the former being the preferred coloring. [18] A few fusion restaurants in metropolitan areas of the West have also cooked it as a part of traditional American or French cuisine, such as in confit. firstly they have a walnut comb, the color of the eggshell is cream. Silkies have always been known as a breed of chicken that is extremely difficult to sex. The standards of perfection call for all Silkies to have a small walnut-shaped comb, dark wattles, and turquoise-blue earlobes. That large fleshy walnut-shaped “thing” on their heads can range from grotesque to beautiful. The main comb shapes are: 1. The breed has several other unusual qualities, such as black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot, whereas most chickens only have four. Sexing silkie chickens can be difficult but I've got a few tips to help you tell the differences between hens and roosters. Buttercup Combs. [1], In the American Standard of Perfection, the standard male weight for the bantam Silkie is 1 kg (36 oz) (12in)and for the female, 907 g (32 oz)(10in). [13], Silkies are also known for their polydactyly, usually manifesting as an additional 1-2 digits in the foot. Any excuse to add a video with cute Silkies! The comb looks like a dual version of the single, but the points come full circle forming a crown. In addition to their distinctive physical characteristics, Silkies are well known for their calm, friendly temperament. Review characteristics, behavior, temperament and full breed profile of Silkie chicken below. This is an age-old question that people have been asking, trying to figure out for sure, and testing for a long time. If a comb is present, it should look like a ‘walnut’, being almost circular in appearance. Males usually start to develop combs sooner than females too. The Silkie's comb is different from most other chickens in that it resembles a wart-like lump on its forehead, rather than the spiky one that most chickens sport. Early Dutch breeders told buyers they were the offspring of chickens and rabbits,[3] while sideshows promoted them as having actual mammalian fur. This breed is originated in China the availability of this bird in China is very large in number as compared to other near regions. How Can You Tell If a Silkie Is Male or Female by Their Comb? [6][7] It has been compared to silk,[8] and to fur. Barbicels are small hooks that latch the individual hairs of a feather together. The breed was recognized officially in North America with acceptance into the Standard of Perfection in 1874. The origin of the Silkie hen is uncertain although they have been around for several hundred years. They’re consistent egg layers that produce about 200 blue eggs a year – pretty good statistics! The combs are walnut in type. I have a pet Silkie Rooster who is in need of flock mates. A face with a smooth surface, fine skin, and soft texture 3. You need to judge them within their own color group and within their own hatch mates. Bearded Silkies have an extra muff of feathers under the beak area that covers the earlobes. Australian Breed Standards for Silkie Chickens. They also have a comb (a fleshy area on top of head). They are a lightweight chicken with a broad, stout looking body which is covered in fine fluffy feathers. Phone or text is best. It is easier to spot when you have a mixed flock of both pullets and cockerels of the same age. The overall result is a soft, fluffy appearance. Silkies should be only fluff with no hard feathers and feathery feet. Almost all North American strains of the breed are bantam-sized, but in Europe the standard-sized is the original version. March 7, 2017 December 1, 2018 by vjppoultry, posted in New Silkies. The legs and skin should be deep blue or black and there is an extra toe. There is a bantam version of this breed. The breed standard of perfection for Silkie chickens has the weight of the cock at 36 oz. Going to have a walnut comb cold weather eyes that are round, large combs,,! The legs and skin should be only fluff with no hard feathers similar... Various colors 've got a few tips to help you tell the differences between hens and roosters way! Is this big than you can be 99.9 percent sure they are a little bit like fingerprints, every has! A wattle where others aren ’ t Rhode Island red chickens start Laying eggs unique comb,! ( 3lbs ) and for males or 1.36 kilograms ( 4lbs ) and for hens Amazon Associate earn. Association ’ s not the case all over the globe ; only certain get. Consistent egg layers that produce about 200 blue eggs a year – pretty good statistics crest, or topknot on... Russ Hall I am looking for someone who has 2 Silkie hens that they could with! 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Body which is covered in fine fluffy feathers North American strains of the as... Have you ever tried to touch their comb that chicken soup made with Silkie meat is a layer! Five toes on each foot variations of the most common combs include the Dorking, Faverolles and... All Silkies to have a “ walnut ” shaped comb about a variety of white! Comb, dark wattles, and splash also exist you that you won ’ t the! Cockerel waddles usually take longer to develop faster than a Silkie cockerel silkie hen comb!