"font-size": "13px", In Configuration Management we making sure that these items are managed carefully in entire project & product life cycle. Software configuration management provides structure to development steps, such as establishing baselines and reporting on the status of development processes. Configuration management is a process of tracking and controlling the changes in software in terms of the requirements, design, functions and development of the product. }, Definition from APM Body of Knowledge 7th edition . The discipline of configuration management has been practiced for years. When the product must be changed, the process of how that action is performed and who authorizes it can be made clear by including it in the plan. } "padding-right": "23px" script.src = scriptURL; }, … Timing of configuration management and issue and change control activities . "margin-left": "0px", node: document.getElementById('product-component-1580491648497'), if (window.ShopifyBuy) { [2] "font-size": "13px", "button": { Configuration management encompasses the technical and administrative activities concerned with the creation, maintenance, controlled change and quality control of the scope of work. Although the use of configuration management typically requires more initial planning and effort than manual system administration, all but the simplest of server infrastructures will be improved by the benefits that it provides. Configuration management is also about making sure that these items are managed carefully, thoroughly and attentively during the entire project and product life cycle. A listing of configuration items. The person who is responsible for tracking the changes, if different than the product owner. "cart": { CM is the application of sound program practices to establish and maintain consistency of a product’s or system’s attributes with its requirements and evolving technical baseline over its life. The report is connected to a document control tracking table which is usually contained within software. Teilweise werden die Aufgaben eines SCM manuell gehandhabt. In software engineering, software configuration management (SCM or S/W CM) is the task of tracking and controlling changes in the software, part of the larger cross-disciplinary field of configuration management. The key output of a well-controlled configuration management process is: You can learn more about configuration management in chapter four of the APM Body of Knowledge 7th edition. } else { loadScript(); Now the time is getting closer when the project team and the project leader realize, that the project is getting out of control, if the role of the configuration manager isn’t actively filled. } }, Configuration Management: Configuration Management is a bunch of competencies, methods, tools, and techniques in establishing and maintaining computer systems, servers, and software in the uniformity of their functioning with its requirements, design, and operational information throughout the span. "padding-bottom": "14.5px" script.onload = ShopifyBuyInit; "padding-bottom": "14.5px" moneyFormat: '%24%7B%7Bamount%7D%7D', Configuration Management. "padding-bottom": "14.5px" Increase IT productivity and efficiency by reducing manual tasks and letting you focus on high-value projects. Configuration Management (CM) is a technic of identifying, organizing, and controlling modification to software being built by a programming team. }, "padding-top": "14.5px", }, "padding-bottom": "14.5px", "button": "Checkout" })(); "productSet": { "buttonDestination": "modal", Configuration management is also used in software development and deployment, where it is called software or unified configuration management (SCM or UCM). } Filed Under: Analysis, Project Management Tagged With: configuration management, document control, project change, project change management, project configuration, project configuration management, project document control, project integration management, project scope, project scope management. "margin-bottom": "50px" "text": { What is Configuration Management? 3. ui.createComponent('product', { The PRINCE2 methodology affords slightly more attention to project configuration management. As you can see, the project monitoring and controlling activities consult the configuration management plan to ascertain if the project is above or below its baseline, and generates change requests if necessary to get it back on track. Project configuration management is the process of tracking and controlling changes to important project documents and products. "quantityInput": { Sometimes, it is easier to understand the technical meanings of terms using normal dictionary. Configuration generates project change requests which are evaluated and approved or rejected on the project change control level. "text": { "padding-top": "14.5px", A configuration is the functional and physical characteristics of a product as defined in its specification and achieved through the deployment of project management plans. "padding-bottom": "14.5px", "title": "Shopping Cart", Definition from APM Body of Knowledge 7th edition He is a licensed professional engineer, certified project manager, and six sigma black belt. Configuration management is an generic, umbrella term for all the activities that reduce the risk of integration failure due to component changes on the project. var client = ShopifyBuy.buildClient({ But that possibility of divergence means that six months from now, you can't really predict what state each machine will be in. "total": "Subtotal", }, Product owners, who are responsible for maintaining and controlling the product, and sometimes give approval prior to initiating a change. "@media (min-width: 150px)": { "font-size": "13px", Within a project, the purpose of configuration management is to identify, track and protect the project’s deliverables or products from unauthorised change. This includes any end products that will be delivered to the customer, as well as all management products, such as the project management plan and performance management baseline. "padding-top": "14.5px", The project leader realizes that he is not able to handle this task himself “by the way”. script.async = true; Configuration Management system is Part of Project Management Information System (PMIS). Your email address will not be published. }, }, So, let us take a look at the English meanings of these terms . [CDATA[*/ It reflects the developing profession, recognising project-based working at all levels, and across all sectors for influencers, decision makers, project professionals and their teams. Configuration Items – A unit with the model, such as a policy, documentation, employees, etc., which is characterized by its relationship to other Configuration Items. Project configuration management is the process of tracking and controlling changes to important project documents and products. "toggle": { "max-width": "150px", The design drawings are the configuration item, and its history is tracked because it has implications to potential project scope changes. The primary goal is to increase productivity with minimal mistakes. PMI Project Knowledge Areas, Video 1: Project Integration, Implementing Six Sigma in Your Organization, Any other item which is deemed to cause potential project changes. Project configuration management (PCM) is the collective body of processes, activities, tools and methods project practitioners can use to manage items during the project life cycle. It allows Software Tester to manage their testware and test outputs using same configuration management mechanisms. Developers and others involved in the project can use SCM to keep track of artifacts, including source code, documentation, problems, changes requested and changes made. It can be considered as a version control system for the product. "font-size": "13px", The project's configuration management strategy should define: The configuration management procedure. "button": "View product" Managing change in the delivery of complex projects: Configuration management, asset information and ‘big data’ RESOURCE There is a tension between the need for control, to manage the configuration of complex systems (particularly in regulated and safety-critical industries), and the responsive, flexible and real-time decision-making implied by new approaches to project management. This article provides insight into how change is managed in three organisations delivering complex projects... read more. "styles": { } }); Your configuration management plan is part of the project management plan (hopefully a relatively small and easy part, but not one that should be overlooked). }); "text": { "product": { "padding-left": "23px", "contents": { "imgWithCarousel": true, "margin-left": "-20px" } How the performances of the procedures will be reported. PMBOK Guide mentions that they are subsidiary plans of Project Management Plan. var scriptURL = 'https://sdks.shopifycdn.com/buy-button/latest/buy-button-storefront.min.js'; The purpose of the configuration item record is to provide a record of such information as the history, status, version and variant of each configuration item, and any details of important relationships between them. Timelines for changes, reviews, and approvals. Konfigurationsmanagement (KM; englisch configuration management, CM) ist eine Managementdisziplin, die organisatorische und verhaltensmäßige Regeln auf den Lebenslauf eines Produkts und seiner Konfigurationseinheiten von Entwicklung über Herstellung und Betreuung bis hin zur Entsorgung[1] anwendet. It is an environment needed to apply change management processes to admin all changes related to the organization (project). } These describe common rules, policies, and procedures on how to do versioning in projects. Your email address will not be published. } The goal of this subsystem is to manage fundamental project constraints of scope, time, cost and quality. "font-size": "13px", "title": { The tools and techniques that will be used. Basically, CM and Project Management go hand in hand and it’s not possible for a successful project to exist without Configuration planning, whether it is on a large scale or small scale. The project leader realizes that he is not able to handle this task himself „by the way“. Rather, all changes are documented and changes approved (as individually necessary) within the configuration management plan – usually manifested as document control software, or similar. Building information models are digital files (often but not always in proprietary formats and containing proprietary data) which can be extracted, exchanged or networked to support decision-making regarding a building or other built asset. Change management, in contrast, deals with how changes are made to those configurations. At this point of the project, it is usually a big challenge to work out a suitable configuration management strategy and to implement it. A configuration item record is used to track important project outputs, which is created only if required by the project’s change control approach. It opens up the opportunity for change control through documentation, accountability and the regular auditing of the project. Being able to access accurate records of the state of your systems is essential. "font-size": "13px" "styles": { "img": false, id: '4493251477548', It is a process of defining configurable items (product, service, result, component) and controlling changes to such items. Configuration management documents how changes will be monitored and controlled. A description of the change control process. domain: 'projectengineer-web-store.myshopify.com', options: { } 2. Let us first understand the meaning of these terms. Configuration management (CM) ensures that the configuration of these technology systems is known, good and trusted; and doesnt rely on tacit knowledge in people's heads. Dem stehen leistungsfähige Tools gegenüber, die ebenfalls in der Industrie eingesetzt werden. (function () { The records that will be kept. documented traceability between versions of each configuration item. "margin-bottom": "0px" This includes the project’s deliverables as well as project management documents like the schedule. Configuration management can be regarded as an asset control and it is essential whether one or more versions of a deliverable is created. ), or an approval from a specified authority. } Configuration management has a number of important implications for testing. The issue and change control procedure. Configuration management and change management are two closely related but different terms. In Software Engineering, Software Configuration Management (SCM) is a process to systematically manage, organize, and control the changes in the documents, codes, and other entities during the Software Development Life Cycle. "@media (min-width: 601px)": { Bernie Roseke, P.Eng., PMP, is the president of Roseke Engineering. Use Configuration Manager to help you with the following systems management activities: 1. Empower user productivity by providing the right software at the right time. SCM practices include revision control and the establishment of baselines. The configuration management plan is not one of the primary subsidiary plans of the project management plan, but it is described as an “additional component.”. ShopifyBuyInit(); } These parameters can be: Although most projects, in most industries, do not recognize that they are performing formal project configuration management, the concept of tracking and controlling changes to key deliverables is a common feature in most projects. He is also the technical brains behind ProjectEngineer, the online project management system for engineers. } "styles": { "padding-right": "23px" } }, }, "max-width": "100%", Let us understand how. }, Also, Configuration Management in Project Management specifically addresses a project’s composition, its documentation, and all the related data that supports it. Maximize hardware and software investments. Configuration management (CM) is a systems engineering process for establishing and maintaining consistency of a product's performance, functional, and physical attributes with its requirements, design, and operational information throughout its life. (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(script); The configuration management system is a subsystem of overall project management. The Program Manager (PM) is responsible Configuration Management (CM) on their project or program. A project’s configuration is the sum of total of its products or assets including management products. To name a few: The configuration management plan specifies which documents (or products) require change control, and what parameters will be controlled. Configuration management is a process that includes established methodology, systems, and procedures to control the elements of the change process. The team will often be enlarged and a configuration manager will be deployed. "product": { Configuration management begins at the beginning of the project when you’re putting together you project management plan. Anything that requires tracking through the project change control system is identified in the configuration management plan. Business information modelling involves the generation and management of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of buildings and places. "products": { Project configuration management is managing the configuration of all of the project’s key products and assets. A description of how changes will be tracked. Configuration management comes after a project baseline is set. "contents": { }, "padding-top": "14.5px", Configuration Management (CM) ensures that an organization is making informed business decisions, performing correct actions, and that all work products are what they are intended to be at every point in the lifecycle. "options": false Ein typisches in Unternehmen anzutreffendes Szenario ist die Versionsverwaltung, die mit Datenbanken auf Basis von Lotus Notes oder Excel ergänzt wird. "modalProduct": { Software c… Stay safe! function ShopifyBuyInit() { It is sometimes referred to as IT automation. Using a \"golden image\"—a pre-configured copy of an operating system and some applications—copied onto a machine as part of an initial installation process is a precursor to configuration management. } In a typical engineering office, the design drawings are tracked to ensure that all versions are well documented to avoid confusion. These documents are not open to changes by anyone, anytime. } else { function loadScript() { "count": { Required fields are marked *, /**/, Project Engineer has collaborated to provide the latest covid-19 stats and prevention methods. Using this method, you know that every computer you manage starts from a common starting point, even if they diverge over time. "styles": { ; this provides you with the tools and resources to begin your project management journey. "margin-left": "20px", "button": { Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2, 6th Edition, 2017, Section A.6. Changes are discussed constantly on most construction sites and the drawings must be rigorously tracked so that the latest version is always available. ShopifyBuy.UI.onReady(client).then(function (ui) { } A listing of which parameters are being tracked. The person responsible for approving the changes, and what considerations will they make in approving them, to guide those making changes. Project managers interested in utilizing configuration management know that it is about identifying and establishing a plan before change is needed. Managing change in the delivery of complex projects: Configuration management, asset information and ‘big data’, confidence that the current version of any configuration item is known; and. "product": { } "button": "Add to cart" }); Check Real Time Updates, Subscibe to ProjectEngineer.NET channel – YouTube, Project Engineer can send me occasional email updates about new site content. The steps to performing configuration management are as follows: A configuration management plan puts the project configuration into writing and gives the project team direction when advancing through the project. }, This can mean any component – from the version of Unix running on a server to a programmer building with an out-of-date specification to using the wrong blueprints to make a part on the factory floor. "@media (min-width: 601px)": { Configuration management and change management are complementary topics. Configuration Manager helps you deliver more effective IT services by enabling: 1. What state each machine will be deployed systems, and six sigma belt! Manages projects ranging from small, local bridges to multi-million dollar projects manual! Item, and controlling changes to such items can send me occasional email about. In Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, with his wife and two kids different.! 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