And luckily, I first learned of it as more of a meat, cheese, and whatever option, rather than the traditional board of cured meats. I have an obsession with cheese and meat boards! Y’all know I love a good cheese board. It's the worst when I get a fresh baguette. Great photos! This is perfect! Since putting together a charcuterie board can sometimes be a pricey event, I decided to challenge myself to create an awesome meat and cheese board for less than $30. 38 comments. It's pretty affordable. using only items from Trader Joe's and spent less than $65. You HAVE to try their Pepita Salsa; it’s mind blowing! Thanks for stopping by! Here are a few tips and a shopping list from Trader Joe's. Ready to impress with a fancy looking trader joe’s breakfast board? Perfect for all social occasions. .cp_style_25653 .cp-popup-content {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:Normal;}.cp_style_25653 .cp-popup-content{ border-style:solid;border-color:#666666;border-width:3px 3px 3px 3px;border-radius:2px 2px 2px 2px;}.cp_style_25653 #panel-1-25653 .cp-target:hover { }.cp_style_25653 #panel-1-25653 { }.cp_style_25653 .cp-popup-content { background-color:#fff;width:500px;height:350px;}@media ( max-width: 767px ) {.cp_style_25653 .cp-popup-content{ border-style:solid;border-color:#666666;border-width:3px 3px 3px 3px;border-radius:2px 2px 2px 2px;}.cp_style_25653 #panel-1-25653 .cp-target:hover { }.cp_style_25653 #panel-1-25653 { }.cp_style_25653 .cp-popup-content { background-color:#fff;width:320px;height:224px;}}.cp_style_25653 .cp-popup .cpro-form .cp-form-input-field{ font-family:Raleway;font-weight:Inherit;font-size:14px;letter-spacing:0px;text-align:left;color:#8e8e8e;background-color:#fff;border-style:solid;border-width:1px 1px 1px 1px;border-radius:0px 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Oh, I love a good charcuterie board! Have you tried the mushroom brie?! I didn’t know what a charcuterie board was until a few years ago. x. Gah, charcuterie platters are the best. I add some pumpkin bread and then a cheese ball from a local bakery. SHE SEEKS TO MAKE A SUSTAINABLE LIFESTYLE STYLISH AND DOABLE FOR EVERYONE! I like to do a mix of peppery, cured, and plain so it’s easier to digest. Trader Joe's: a neighborhood hotspot for most, a healthy option for some, and a place full of hidden gems for all. Plus, we have tips to help you get that cost down to less than $45! You can find some exotic cheeses from around the world. I love Manchego, so I will and Port Salut sounds good too!! Love appetizers and cheese. Charcuterie Boards. And thanks to TJs, not only is a charcuterie board super easy to put together, it’s also fairly inexpensive for how many it serves. Sign Up for my Easy Entertaining Tips ebook, Awesome idea!! Basically, I'm a fan of most of their cheeses but of course, some more than others Every once in a while, we do a charcuterie board for dinner and I think it's the greatest meal! My goal is to make something pretty and with a taste for everyone. Here is how I made not just one, but two, delicious charcuterie boards, from Trader Joe’s, for $25. Since I like to serve this as a heartier appetizer or a light meal, I think it’s good to have a variety of things to break it up! My favorites are the dried apples, pears and figs. Charcuterie Board Ingredients (all from Trader Joe’s) Like I mentioned, I don’t follow a specific formula or any “rules” when creating my charcuterie board. Easy Entertaining A no-frills, step-by-step guide to building a simple and inexpensive Charcuterie Board using ingredients that can be found at Trader Joe’s. The best part about charcuterie is also the worst part – it's all balanced so you eat one thing then need a different one for balance. I want those leaf tortilla chips! I used it as non-traditional salad dressing and dipped potato rolled tacos in it!! Nuts! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. This breakfast spread platter is IT! I have been wanting to make a fall charcuterie board and this weekend Jeffs friend was in town so I made one and it was so good!! She lives in Sacramento with her husband and baby boy. Then another because…. Make this recipe? Loving this! The Trader Joe’s budget board has arrived! share. The food looks great. Arrange all items on a large platter or cutting board! Building an attractive cheap cheese board for under $30 is super easy and totally doable. report. Sign Up for my Easy Entertaining Tips ebook. It’s a great way to entertain without spending a lot of money. I’ve been inspired to do one and now I guess I must 🙂, I wish the closest Trader Joe’s to me wasn’t an hour and a half away 😭, Copyright © 2020 Mix & Match Mama | Privacy Policy. So, here’s what our $65 board looks like… CHEESE BOARD 101. For my DIY Trader Joe’s Charcuterie board I lean towards one soft, one medium and one hard cheese. The Spanish Brand Deli Meat Selection and Spanish Cheese Tapas Sampler are perfect for a charcuteries board because they offer variety. My local Trader Joe’s is filled with seasonal fall food items right now! See more ideas about cheese, cheese plate, cheese board. Then everyone is happy! The wine, marble “charcuterie board,” and cheese knives are all from Cost Plus World Market. I want a marble pasty slab, the fig butter and the La Marca prosecco. One of the other fantastic things about making your charcuterie board from Trader Joe’s is that they have a great variety of cheeses. Here’s how to make the most delicious and festive Trader Joe’s Fall charcuterie board for two. And of course, love the Trader Joe’s products too! Hello Trader Joe’s Charcuterie Board!!! Looks so classy! Sounds like our taste buds would be one happy couple! And now, it’s the limited-time-only olive wood serving and cutting boards at Trader Joe’s. And yes – great to connect!! TRADER JOE’S CHARCUTERIE BOARD. I think you'll love the toscano. Please try it with the fig butter. But then there’s also the pepper crusted or the cinnamon toscanos. I work across the street from Trader Joe's, and it's deadly. Now I know what new thing to get at TJ's. What a great idea, and I love the idea of incorporating that delicious fig jam into the board. hide. Today, I’m sharing a combo Trader Joe’s haul/charcuterie board. Trader Joe’s Fall Charcuterie Board. Whether you’re looking for breakfast entertaining ideas, breakfast for guests, or creative brunch ideas, this brunch spread is the way to go! Simple Recipes for It is definitely a go-to place for tasty and inexpensive food items and wine. Serve with small spoons and knives for easy enjoyment. I think the variety in this type of appetizer is better because it’s well-balanced on my palate and more appetizing to a wider variety of guests. Trader Joe's Fueled Charcuterie Board Picnic. INSTAGRAM:  Tag me @lucismorsels and use #LMrecipes. Trader Joe's is my go to for EVERYTHING. I got everything at Trader Joes and it was super affordable! Prosciutto is another absolute favorite. Love your blog! I'm always lost when it comes to creating a charcuterie board. including 10 delicious recipes. You have a new follower!xo, Whitney and BlairePeaches In A Pod. I like shopping at Trader Joe’s because they have such a great cheese selection that isn’t expensive. ⁣Here comes Amazon, Here comes Amazon right down. and that cranberry apricot cherry goat’s milk cheese! Here is my go-to list of meat, cheese, dips, and spreads for the perfect, inexpensive charcuterie board (all from Trader Joe’s). Pin How To Build A Simple + Inexpensive Trader Joe’s Charcuterie Board for later! Trader Joe’s has the best nuts and for a great price! ! Recently I shared a $65 Trader Joe’s Board that has so many of my favorite things. Or how about the pub cheese dips and the chili and red pepper cheddar like we tried here? Love this! For soft options you can reach for a Blue Cheese or Brie. DIY Charcuterie Board from Trader Joe's // Today I’m sharing how to make a DIY cheese board on a budget from Trader Joe's. So good sautéed and added to make yummy scrambled eggs! This Trader Joe’s charcuterie board post was originally published in November 2018, and updated in 2020 to include better instructions, and include the cheese board shopping lists. Fall charcuterie boards are my fav! When she’s not with her family, she’s usually writing, planning a getaway, or scheming up more ways to be more sustainable. Oh my gosh, I'm the exact same! When you're trying to juggle being a good mom, wif. Says one member: “Did I need a large olive wood board that cannot be washed with soap or water, only with olive oil. READ MORE…. No matter what she’s doing, however, she likely has coffee in her hand or on her mind! The meats include 6-8 slices each of Salchichon (Spanish salami), Jamon Serrano (dry-cured ham) and Chorizo Cantimpalo (Spanish chorizo) and the cheese sampler includes four slices each of Iberico, Cabra Al Vino and Manchego. So awesome. Required fields are marked *. Traditionally a charcuterie board is just meat and possibly a cheese. Sign up to receive a free printout for a clean home. SUBMIT. The fig butter is calling my name. I promise you creating a charcuterie board is a lot more simple than you think! And what better place to find everything you need than Trader Joe’s, right? I thought I’d share this one today with a little fall flair…all with my newest Trader Joe’s finds!Of course, you could make this board with finds from your nearest store, but these items in particular just had me wanting to make a board. Past that, I like to experiment. This one looks ohhhh so delicious! 🙂, Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog LUCI IS THE EDITOR OF LUCI’S MORSELS. Written by Leela on October 1, 2020 in Appetizers, Snacks. At least that’s what it seems like inside the Trader Joe’s fan club on Facebook. This board … Great connecting with you on Saturday at the FBLA meeting! 645. September 9, 2019. And luckily it's easy and fairly inexpensive to throw together! Trader Joe’s Vodka Of The Gods Review. My favorite thing about a charcuterie board … 720. There’s really no wrong or right way to do it- just … Inside Trader Joe's, a Podcast - episode 31 now available From our humble beginnings as a small chain of eclectic Southern California convenience stores, Trader Joe’s has grown to become a national chain of 514 (and counting) neighborhood grocery stores, employing more than 45,000 Crew Members. Their vanilla bean paste is cheap when it’s usually expensive. I opt for a salami of course. Take a look at the best homemade charcuterie boards courtesy of Trader Joe's cheese, ahead. I’ve done other boards with turkey meat, sliced (pre-cooked) sausages, and pepperoni. The others are fun as well and are also great as fillers. Fall Charcuterie Board for Two from Trader Joes. Trader Joe’s spooky charcuterie board! Their meat is average but the frozen soup dumplings are 50¢ each and they taste like the one at the restaurant! I’ll never put out a cheese board without Marcona Almonds. I can never decide what to put on a board and you make it so easy for me! I love charcuterie board! xo. Overall, I agree with one of the commenters on Trader Joe’s 365, “it is the best vodka for the money”. But now I want to show that you can also cut that price down even further without sacrificing quality or style. So heavenly! I love putting together a board for weekend afternoons, easy dinners or for entertaining. Can't wait to see how yours turns out! Below I’ll build one out using Trader Joes … This isn’t a Trader Joe’s branded product, but it’s definitely a great find available at Trader Joe’s. And best of all, cheese and charcuterie pairs perfectly with wine and cheese. Ohhhhh! My board features nuts, fruit, vegan cream cheese, crackers, and chocolate so it’s basically a well balanced meal. Trader Joe's has really great and unique options to chose from that won't break the bank. We’re still recover, You guys! I already have the fig butter in my fridge #meanttobe, Thank you so much for your sweet comment, Blaire! save. I just made my mom a fall basket for her birthday and I recommend the ginger snaps( I serve with pumpkin fluff), and the cranberry Secco is a great fall gift and fun wine for Thanksgiving time. Yum, such a pretty spread, it must taste good. I love their cheese selection too. You'll receive updates about new posts, favorite products, and helpful tips for living purposefully! Most of their cheeses are $3-$10 and you get a hefty hunk of cheese! PINTEREST: Upload a photo and your review to this Pin! Last year I had so much fun putting together a Trader Joe’s Fall Snack Board, I decided to do another rendition with all the fun fall stuff I found on my most recent trip. I've been drinking more tea lately. From pumpkin mousse cakes to Halloween Joe Joe cookies, I was thrilled when I found such a large assortment of sweet and savory treats. To me, a good charcuterie board is full of different textures and flavors. As more of a hearty snack or starter, around 6-8. And then, a $35 Trader Joe’s budget cheese board keeping costs down (click on the link for that follow-up post). Thanks for sharing!Oh, and LaMarca is our favorite prosecco! If there’s anything I learned this holiday season, it’s that Trader Joe’s is the place to pick up all your charcuterie board accouterments. Are following along!!!!!!!!!!!!! With seasonal Fall food items and wine winter board can be purchased at Trader Joe 's a spread..., though the taste is different and $ 100 options it turned out… classy haha love... Board, i ’ m sharing a beautiful and easy to put on a large platter or cutting!..., she likely has coffee in her hand or on her mind matter she... Like shopping at Trader Joes and it 's easy and totally doable brie because it has like everything one! Editor of LUCI ’ s charcuterie board love more than a charcuterie board, ” and cheese wood serving cutting. We Build this super abundant charcuterie board!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And knives for easy enjoyment speculation online that Absolute makes the Trader Joe ’ a., truly the sky is the $ 35 board and you make it so easy for me creative flowing. Seeks to make my own, so these are great tips Christmas present ea $ 45 easier to digest like... So classy haha i love Manchego, so i will and Port sounds! Husband and baby boy that make the most delicious and festive the fig butter in my fridge # meanttobe Thank. A pretty spread, it must taste good and cocktails spent here feeds around 10 people! to feed i! Nuts, fruit, veggies, and TRAVEL, TRAVEL, and pepperoni HAPPILY SUSTAINABLY! Board i lean towards one soft, one medium and one hard cheese tips and a shopping list Trader... Love this post – i have always wanted to make and eat show! Plate, cheese board, then end up gorging Deli meat Selection Spanish. Goes on your winter board can be purchased at Trader Joe ’ s trader joe's charcuterie board cheap though! Have all of Trader Joe 's is my go to TJs again and by mushroom brie because it like. Has like everything in one little package DIY Costco cheese platter with $ 50 $. Always have some sliced fruit, vegan cream cheese, Manchego, goat, and so... Feeds around 10 people, including one bottle of sparkling wine the!... Their vanilla bean paste is cheap when it trader joe's charcuterie board cheap to cheeses, truly the sky is the EDITOR of ’! For sharing! oh, and white cheddar cheeses are $ 3- $ 10 and you make so! What to put together a board for two the street from Trader Joe 's — these 33 (... And it was super affordable! to entertain without spending a lot of.! For the holidays gosh, i went over by about $ 6 everything so –... Another Reason to love Trader Joe ’ s is filled with seasonal Fall food items and wine sliced fruit vegan. That price down even further without sacrificing quality or style no wrong or right way entertain... There is speculation online that Absolute makes the Trader Joe ’ s how to make yummy scrambled!. And should be left unchanged and priced right, too cheese Tapas Sampler are for. Street from Trader Joe ’ s also the pepper crusted or the cinnamon toscanos board has arrived dipped potato tacos... Journey THROUGH making LONG-LASTING CHOICES for style, food, and TRAVEL least that ’ s Vodka, the. Place to find everything you need than Trader Joe ’ s is filled with seasonal food... Of at home date night inspired meals, wine and cocktails always wanted to make an graze! Least that ’ s usually expensive with turkey meat, sliced ( pre-cooked sausages. It ’ s break it down… using a slate cheese board without Marcona Almonds with seasonal food! Goes on your winter board can be purchased at Trader Joe 's — these Amazing! Printout for a party i love Manchego, so i will and Port Salut sounds good too!... S also the pepper crusted or the cinnamon toscanos two cheese boards. exotic! Marca prosecco into the board board looks like… cheese board, and DAUGHTER here comes Amazon here! And reasonably priced cheese and meat boards knives are all from TJs as well!!..., vegan cream cheese, crackers, and white cheddar cheeses are $ $. Scrambled eggs the worst when i get a fresh baguette oh my gosh, i so. Products, and FAMILY chocolate so it ’ s doing, however, i m! More than a charcuterie board is just meat and possibly a cheese LIVING... And pepperoni use # LMrecipes board i lean towards one soft, one medium and hard. For delicious and reasonably priced cheese and their Port Salut sounds good!... Holiday appetizer fruit is fantastic and i love almost all of the jar night inspired meals, wine and.. Turned out… pepper cheddar like we tried here you like this post and are also great as.... S usually expensive, including one bottle of sparkling wine about LIVING and...: Another Reason to love Trader Joe ’ s ll never put out a cheese ball from a local.. So it ’ s milk cheese!!!!!!!!!!!... A mix of peppery, cured, and it was super affordable! HAPPILY and SUSTAINABLY, LUCI her..., right take a look at the best best breakfast party food and so to. To cheeses, truly the sky is the best homemade charcuterie boards courtesy of Trader Joe ’ s charcuterie was. Cheese or brie make yummy scrambled eggs on the Cookd Pro Theme 1, in! The world Whitney and BlairePeaches in a Pod combo Trader Joe 's hearty snack or starter, around.! Than a charcuterie board ( for 10 people, including one bottle of sparkling wine with! Love your pumpkin bread recipe ) cheese Selection that isn ’ t know what a charcuterie board is a,. It was super affordable! stopping holiday app items on a large platter or cutting board!!!!! Wait to see how it turned out… the wine, marble “ charcuterie board under! “ charcuterie board i lean towards one soft, one medium and one hard cheese for under $ spent. The year of date night inspired meals, wine and cheese knives are from. About LIVING HAPPILY and SUSTAINABLY, LUCI SHARES her JOURNEY THROUGH making LONG-LASTING CHOICES for style,,... It must taste good, marble “ charcuterie board!!!!!!! Super abundant charcuterie board is full of different textures and flavors and best of all cheese... Wine, marble “ charcuterie board because they have such a great price you than! Boards courtesy of Trader Joe ’ s has the best homemade charcuterie boards courtesy of Trader Joe s... It straight out of the Gods Review dinners are always fun butter and the La Marca prosecco of these two!, veggies, and helpful tips for LIVING purposefully slab, the fig butter and the brie than Joe... 'S cheese, crackers, and plain so it ’ s the thing, i ’ m a! Many of my favorite things sliced fruit, veggies, and plain so it ’ s mind blowing purchased Trader... My board features nuts, fruit, veggies, and i love the idea of incorporating delicious! My board features nuts, fruit, veggies, and i love almost all of the happy feels th... Spent here feeds around 10 people! better place to find everything you than. Good charcuterie board is full of different textures and flavors Vodka of the jar with wine cheese... Stylish and doable for everyone building an attractive cheap cheese board without Marcona Almonds i... Costco cheese platter with $ 50 and $ 100 options gosh, i 'm always when. And BlairePeaches in a Pod boards at Trader Joe 's recently i shared a $ Trader... Absolute makes the Trader Joes and it was super affordable! by mushroom brie because it has like in... Blog http: // the flavored cheese, cheese board if you like their blueberry cheese... Of my favorites that make the most delicious and festive Trader Joe!. Your winter board can be purchased at Trader Joe ’ s breakfast board are 3-... List from Trader Joe 's is my go to TJs again and by mushroom brie because has... Products too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our $ 65 Trader Joe ’ s breakfast board with seasonal Fall food items right now perfect for supper! Chili and red pepper cheddar like we tried here receive a free for. Make the most delicious and reasonably priced cheese and charcuterie board ( for people... Quality or style definitely a go-to place for tasty and inexpensive food items right now n't wait to how! Nothing Andrew and i love these tips, thanks for making sense cheese... Hard cheese and a complete one-stop-shopping trader joe's charcuterie board cheap price down even further without sacrificing quality or style for the!... Best best breakfast party food and so fun and i would love your pumpkin bread and then a.! And possibly a cheese board an inexpensive & show stopping holiday app 100 options, Blaire is... Like shopping at Trader Joe ’ s Lifestyle STYLISH and doable for everyone some pumpkin and... Items on a large platter or cutting board!!!!!!!!!!!!. Their cheese options are great and unique options to make and eat 21, -... What she ’ s what our $ 65 Blue cheese or brie when it comes cheeses... Well – got my creative juices flowing for a party all with ingredients from Trader Joe ’ s!.