But I guess it tasted abit like chicken. low-carb is not the same as no carb, but coming from you, I doubt you'll be able to grasp such a subtle (not) distinction. Do Plantains Taste like Bananas? It might even have faint hints of what you had for dinner. I try to stay between 50 to 100g per day myself. Meat comes from animals and if you love animals then treat all animal lives equal! Strangest thing I have eat'n? Test for some time and see how your body react and modify your diet if needed. It's true that Norway has limits on toxin levels allowed within whale meat sold to consumers, but what have they based that level upon? Minke whales have been protected by international law since 1986, which will hopefully help to stop these countries from hunting these magnificent animals.". I took my husband there for his birthday (I was a veg at the time!!) Oooh, so which is the worse taboo for Dietdoctor to have broken? Three wedges of potato, which look like about 1/8 of a large potato each. Many people say that lobsters are similar to crabs but it is not true. Whale meat has long served as a nutritious, healthy food staple for Greenland's indigenous Inuit population. In many cuisine cultures around the globe, people eat whale meat for various purposes. If you're happy with your weight and health, like I am, there is probably not much point in staying below 20. I am not sure who is right. More so, what in the world is conch? Whale meat is also usually deep frozen for several months or even years before it enters the market, so tasting fresh whale meat is probably quite rare. I almost threw up even jsut looking at it from the other side of the table. The simple fact that carnivores’ diets consist of almost exclusively one type of food – meat – means that extra taste buds would simply be wasted. Over the years I've had rabbit and frog but I guess the weirdest one I've eaten as an adult would be alligator. This family of "consumable" whales includes dolphins, porpoises, whales, etc. To often people just eat potato as quantity food on the plate, and not as a quality side order. PS: If I get some toilet paper made with such comments anyone want to buy some? Just my opinion--your mileage may vary, and probably does. The tail meat, aka, onomi, on the other hand, is usually eaten as tataki or sashimi. Ahh you must have gotten a 'lean' cut! Minke whale, in particular, has some impressive nutritional characteristics that set it apart from other fish meats. Probably, guys think - menopause is not my problem. For healthy normal weight people I'd guess either way though. Im am half Norwegian and half Sami. So, What does lobster taste like? We eat a fair bit of Kangaroo here in Australia. And which diet according to your experience is more effective for improving body composition if a person is already on it's normal weight? However, he also said that he didn’t like the breasts because they were too greasy. Ha ha I love your last line - not really endangered. Marine mammals are a food source in many countries around the world. As long as the whale hunt is sustainable, and they euthanize the whale as efficient as posssible, I see no problem. I feel human beings need meat whether they want to admit to it or not, so we might as well eat from what's plentiful, rather than what is rare or has the potential to become rare. im with sea shepperd(yes i know theyr dumb americans) on the whale thing lets preserve them. I don't really see many uses for it, now I get why it's typically served in a curry or whatever, I think that's about where it belongs. Whereas pineapple, oranges and other sweet fruits may make it taste sweeter. Believe me, It is not that good. Read it all the way to the end. A few infamous cases from the 1920s in Europe seem to point towards a pork-like … There is only one rule to cook bear meat – Slow Cooking! However it is considered a delicatess by many. Also, a wild rabbit has leaner and drier meat. Unless you are vegan of course, which I hope you are when you allow yourself to judge others? BBC America asked its colleagues to participate in a taste test of the yeasty spread about six years ago. After eating dog meat, beef tastes flavorless. While the expected specialty dishes, such as arctic char and langoustine, were incredibly fresh, I want to talk bigger. And you must eat it freshly cooked: no sticking the leftovers in the fridge overnight to have for lunch the next day. That saturated fats are bad for us? I love your work diet doctor and congratulations on your lovely daughter. JavaScript must be enabled in your browser to log in! Whale sounds good and I am here in Norway now. The problem with the comparison, though, is that an animal’s diet greatly affects the flavor of its own flesh. The other dark meat parts taste sort of like alligator nuggets. Some mollusks such as conch will do you good. In fact, it is considered quite a delicacy in some culinary cultures around the world. Meat from older rabbits tends to be chewier, thus requiring more cooking. I had Rattle snake, Cougar, Bear, Dear, Elk, Moose, Caribou but the weirdest thing I have ever eat'n was a squirrel. Does anyone know? Meaning as low as they feel comfortable going, below 20 grams a day is good. What Do Chickpeas Taste Like? If it tastes like chicken, you know the rest. What does dog meat taste like? Whether you want to stew or grill bear meat, make sure not to rush while cooking bear meat.. Bears can carry infections depending on their diet. What Does Crawfish Taste Like? There is nothing wrong with a hunting of non-engendered animals especially if it is a part of traditional life-style. Lobster has its own unique taste which cannot be compared with any other seafood. It does not matter if it is a chicken or a whale, they all deserve a decent natural life like the whale had before it saved the factory produced pigs! I read Art and science of low carbohydrate living/performance, and it really inspired me to try strict low carb...even most of your interviewed guests seem to follow rather strict version...I'll try it for a while and maybe return to classic. The meat has been around in Japanese cuisine since before 800 AD. Sweet, meaty guilt. These anecdotes are perhaps the most credible and most detailed, but others have weighed in on what human meat tastes like. and he had gnu meat (a bit grey/tough) and grass-hopper salad (basically fried bugs in your salad) and for dessert a chocolate covered scorpion (without sting) I am not joking! And what is the best way to cook it? Body composition could be described like "amount of muscle: amount of fat" ratio. Nutrition wise, whale meat is similar to shark meat due to its rich fat content. So what if he did? When I was a kid, one of my parents' friends came to visit and had some jerky with him which he offered to us kids. For those who find its unrefined flavor off-putting, whale is often marinated, or slathered with a flavorful sauce. Just like dog, cat meat has been eaten around the world. When the waiter came with the food I first thought there’d been some mistake in the kitchen: I was expecting something fish-like and apparently got a steak. I don't do arachnids in any form shape and size! In fact, you could even try cooking one if you have the resources. I also has lion meat ( pretty tough meat don’t know exactly what to compare that too but it’s not also closer beef. The whale has the staple image for being the largest mammal on the planet. Whale tastes much more like its hairy cousins on land than its slimy neighbors in the sea. It’s funny.) Do Figs Taste Good? Brain damage from sustaining on apples and holy grains.. I am a former chef and have ha it when I worked here in Canada and with a hotel chain in Japan, not alot but a taste, the one from Canada was from a narwhal or sea unicorn, we got the meat and blubber at a hotel in the north of Canada, in Japan I had some of the Myke whale the catch own in the southern prefectures in the fall. Why Whisky Lovers Like It So Much. So it looks like test tube grown meat will be the answer to everyone's moral dilemmas. After learning of you eating whale meat I can assure you that I will NEVER EVER visit your website again. By interacting with this site, you agree to our disclaimer. If you ever get a chance to taste whale in Alaska, keep in mind that it is more than just food. Thanks for the info, you've got me interested now. After changing mine diet to a very LC one, I stopped having any pre-menopause symptoms like hot flashes and horrible moods associated with PMS. I remember watching some damb vegetarian woman screaming on the native crowd during their traditional festival. http://highsteaks.com/forum/general-discussion/what-is-for-what-was-f... Basically, turns out it's only like 2% fat so had to add bacon and eggs. Did he even mention that he ate the potatoe wedges? Fish grow quickly, are caught and eaten within a year or two. Isn't it strange to run a low-carb website and not actually be low-carb? I have never eaten either dolphin or whale meat. What form of science was used to determine the intelligence of a whale, or dolphin for that matter? Whale is usually served straight up with little or no seasoning. Does the Age of the Rabbit Determine the Taste of its Meat? To people who love eating seafood, your taste buds shouldn’t be limited to fish, crabs, shrimp, etc. All those years of living just south of Thailand and I never did get up there to try dog or kitten or live monkey brains and of course fried bugs. For them I recommend strict low carb, long term. One brave blogger gives his verdict. I specialize in people with metabolic problems. A healthy vagina tastes and smells like a healthy vagina. Whale meat, undoubtedly, is one of the most exotic meats you can try. I’ve only eaten cat meat once, and it was alright, but definitely what I … Gummy Shark... YUM! A Norwegian colleague told me that whale blubber used to be a popular dish...apparently it tastes like soap (not the best endorsment). I know I stopped about 15 years ago. Whale meat is also usually deep frozen for several months or even years before it enters the market, so tasting fresh whale meat is probably quite rare. So maybe you should test what works best for you. Like if it's like a tender sirloin steak, then put that. Do Persimmons Taste Chalky? The taste of Marmite has been described in a variety of ways. All Rights Reserved. Does whale meat have Neu5gc, I wonder? He did not kill it, that was done for him. I'm in between most days and I see no apparent problem with that. Brad, well said. My parents asked us, "How do you like that elephant? And if we really cared about creatures for their intelligence we ought to stop destroying their habitat before we worry about how often or whether we eat them. We Icelanders don´t eat much whale ourselves. As it turns out, whales aren’t popular for their mammoth physical size alone. Sound appetizing? It's in a triangular shape and looks extremely high-carb! For instance, the consumption of whale meat in Japan is an ancient practice and is considered a rare delicacy. He eats very strict low carb during competitions, to achieve an even and long-lasting concentration (and presumably stable blood sugar). It has a good amount of nutritional benefits, something that Japanese culture deem extremely important. What Do Figs Taste Like? PS: As far as I understand mink whale is not really endangered. But hubby said it was fine and there was no sting in t eh tail..... Crocodile, it was some years ago so I cant remember the exact taste. Although they are not readily available like other conventional staple meats, there is a fair chance you will see it on a menu if you travel to Japan, Iceland, or even Norway. But I always hear that whale tastes like tough, stringy beef. But whales are mammals, so they actually don’t taste like fish either. Meat comes from animals and if you love animals then treat all animal lives equal! Need the cash so I can import some whale and have a BBQ... Basically the low-carb world is not black and white. That is to say, it might be sweet or sour, metallic or bitter, salty or sharp. Funny how "everything tastes like chicken." A writer for the blog Takeout recounted how she was introduced to Marmite as a mosquito repellant and later had a friend describe the taste as "toe jam." And due to its unique taste lobster is an expensive cuisine. So PLEASE eat more whale! Japan, in specific treat whale meat with utmost reverence and is one of their (hidden) culinary gems. you only allow your self to be a hippocrat if you justify to sacrifice the wellbeing of other animals to save what you judge higher on the scale. What Does Mahi Mahi Taste Like? I had seal meat once, and it tasted very fishy. On the other hand I interviewed the Swede who has all the Swedish memory records, taken during day-long competitions. What Do Plantains Taste Like? Do Chickpeas Taste Good? You’re being offered a piece of someone’s heritage. What did it taste like? Apart from the above traditional cooking approaches, there are also some unique whale meat recipes that you can try cooking yourself. GUILT. But what does conch taste like? Yuck, also. Or purple sea urchin (as uni). Reindeer is something I eat almost every three days, good gamey meat. With that little bit of salad, maybe it comes to 25g total. Whale meat refers to a broad class of meat that primarily includes the family of cetaceans. Remember, whales and dolphins are mammals (cetaceans to be exact) and are not fish. Stop eating Whales, some Whales live up till they are ninenty years old ffs. Since it is a delicacy in many cultures, and some consider it outright illegal, not many people have to good fortune of claiming they have tasted whale meat. This was the 1980s but even then elephant-hunting was mostly frowned upon, at least in the United States. also really enjoy crocodile. But being sea creatures, I can believe they taste fishy. Whether or not they're endangered, there aren't that many of them. Otherwise it gets rubbery. The legs and tail is very tender and is a rich fatty dark meat that melts in your mouth. That for me is reason enough to be wary about eating it, to say nothing about whether the hunt is sustainable or not. I try to be in ketosis or close to eat in order to manage migraines which are actually epileptic activity in mine brain. What Does Parsley Taste Like? This is also a good option for quickly losing some excess weight, without hunger. The question what does lamb taste like resurfaces and thus leaves us with no choice other than to face it head on and provide a satisfactory response. See the point? Confused and Jeff, get a grip. Hmm. Donkey, in a restaurant in Beijing. How tender it is. If that's all the carbs you have at dinner, I would put you well within a low carb range for the day. Thanks. Lobster has many health benefits and has a sweet and lighter taste. What does whale taste like? Bear meat is darker and fattier than beef, although similar in flavor. Double yuck. Perhaps crawdads are the strangest. But, Japanese culture has the most comprehensive method of cooking whale meat. Lean whale meat is probably best described as tasting most like horse, which for those who have not tasted it is like a dense and sweet beef. Norwegians) :-). Say “yes.” And if you can’t say “yes,” at least don’t say “oh hell no!” It depends on the species and the cut of meat. A restaurant here in London specialises in unusual meats and bugs. Its taste. After tests reveal a takeaway curry bought in London could contain DOG or CAT, one writer tells what the unusual meat tastes like. None the less, the scare number of people who have tasted whale meat describe the meat as being something similar to moose meat, or a reindeer. If we should base what we eat on intelligence, then please stop eating the pig....! Whales, on the other hand, have many years, even decades to accumulate heavy metals and other toxins in their flesh from pollutants before they are harvested. It is certainly distinctive. Us being smart doesn't stop bacteria from eating us once we're dead, you know? I recently took a trip to Iceland and one of its (many, many) highlights was the seafood. Yes, because it's served on the plate it is therefore mandatory to consume it. Tasted a bit like beef, or maybe horse, as you'd expect! A majority say that wild rabbit meat has a stronger meat flavor compared to the domestic rabbit. Cold boiled goats tongue would be my answer. Use this Alaska Whale Meat Stew recipe. Its smell. Does Whale Meat Taste Good? If you can, compare some features with other food. Ketigenic diet is a miracle for clarity of minds, concentration, mood stability, feeling energized, even to physical endurance. Is it risky to be somewhere in between? Nowadays cat is still enjoyed in parts of Peru, Switzerland and of course, China! After learning of you eating whale meat I can assure you that I will NEVER EVER visit your website again.". Basically, carbs form very little of our body composition. Fry it up like you would chicken, alligator or pork chops. Weight training etc. But what does whale meat taste like? In preparation for this post I did a little more Googling and came up with some other helpful information. The most popular species of whale that in Japan is Minke whale. If you are tired of eating/cooking the same old tuna or salmon, whale meat is something you should definitely check out, assuming it is available in your region. © 2020 EatDelightsLLC. It is nowhere near reindeer or moose in taste I think, it still tastes fishy almost no matter what. Tasted OK, but was a little strange. (my only blog post). We don't really get it here in RSA. But I tasted deep fried crocodile meat (it taste just like chicken and white ). "It's kind of like liver, but without the blood taste," says Chef Joseph Shawana, talking about the raw seal meat that's served up to guests at his new Toronto restaurant, Kūkŭm Kitchen. It's similar to reindeer or moose. What does LCHF even mean once you've added potatoes? Eating potatoes or eating whale - which shocks his audience the most? Its sheer physical size is intimidating enough to send chills down your spine. It's traditionally served fresh or smoked, and many Norwegians use the same word to describe it - "tran". Does Ginger Taste Good? Had antelope and zebra when I visited Kenya. Besides, it is best that the rabbit meat is cooked at the right level of heat as well as the right time in order to extract most of the flavor and to prevent the meat from being too saggy. Given a choice I'd rather not have whale or elephant. Ondrej its not dangerous to do lowcarb, but you dont have to be to strict either if you are normal weight. None the less, the scare number of people who have tasted whale meat describe the meat as being something similar to moose meat , or a reindeer. The information we provide at DietDoctor.com is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified medical professional. Some people have major weight issues / metabolic problems. Its texture. That's not really my speciality. is probably more important for body composition in that situation, not counting every last gram of carb. Whereas we've got cattle all over the world, no lack of that whatsoever. After learning of you eating whale meat I can assure you that I will NEVER EVER visit your website again." Cat Meat Hot Pot Eating Cat Meat. I was watching episodes of See Shepperd in Iceland(or somewhere in a Scandinavia) with the hope Icelanders will kick their asses. Deep fried turtle legs and the tail is the best part. Does Parsley Taste Good? Was it the same form of science that told us a rise in cholesterol will cause heart desease? But, if you want the meat to taste a bit gamey, just remove all the organs and cook only the meat. I bet it is a wrong thinking - not single ones suffer as well from PMS and menopause experienced by their ladies. Does Crawfish Taste Like Lobster? However, in other regions like Iceland and Norway, whale meat is more of a necessary option due to limited meat availability. Some Japanese and Russian vessels are still known to hunt minke whales. Good for your brains. So now I don’t know which one to say is more strange than the other. Apart from that, it is also known to have a very chewy consistency. http://tristopia.blogspot.fr/2012/04/tasty-elephant.html, http://oceanlink.island.net/biodiversity/minke.html. It is also not considered smart to eat whale meat raw, at least if it is not prepared by a professional. To this day I don't know how the friend acquired it. What Does Ginger Taste Like? Historically, they were hunted by coastal people, and in the case of aboriginal whaling, still are.This sort of subsistence hunting was on a small scale and produced only localised effects. Do Collard Greens Taste Good? Next visit to Oslo maybe. I still wouldn't. I need to be on top regarding mental state, because I need to study a lot, every day. It does not matter if it is a chicken or a whale, they all deserve a decent natural life like the whale had before it saved the factory produced pigs! I've eaten or tasted turtle meat, ostrich burger, and flying ants. By the way Doc, I like the moderate portion of potato on your plate. Blueprint points out likely deprivation of nutritious food on really low carb, while really low carb says it's dangerous to be under 150 g, but still not in ketosis, because the brain supply suffers...what is your opinion on that? Whoa! Some healthy and slim people might still feel that strict low carb is still a good option for them, but most will probably not find it worth the sacrifices. When on Iceland recently I had a local speciality for dinner: Whale. I think I would feel bad eating a whale. Fairly similar to horse, I’d say. "'Strong-tasting vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, garlic and caffeine may make semen taste or smell unpleasant. Like these meets, it usually needs very short cooking. The whale meat is usually cut in two different portions – the tail meat and the belly meat. Since it is a delicacy in many cultures, and some consider it outright illegal, not many people have to good fortune of claiming they have tasted whale meat. Like any other carnivore marine mammals, whales have a high level of mercury, which is harmful for consumption. Whale meat is treated differently in various regions around the world. to maintain a health carb range over the course of the day. Its color. I have to say, however, I would be reluctant to eat whale because they seem to be an intelligent animal. What’s the strangest animal you’ve eaten? What Do Collard Greens Taste Like? By every whale we eat, we probably save 100 pig lives, if we go by weight of meat produced per animal. We loved beef jerky, so we tried it. What Does Cognac Taste Like? I don’t eat meat anyway so I’m probably not going to start on whale. http://tristopia.blogspot.fr/2012/04/tasty-elephant.html If a large potato has about 60g net carbs, then that's about 22g carbs. In Norway, people cook whale meat in a pot to create a distinctive broth and served with vegetables, potato, and flatbrod (traditional bread). I want to talk WHALE. Does Mahi Mahi Taste Good? Since whales are mammals, their authentic taste is more synonymous with other staple meats like beef, as opposed to their other aquatic companions such as swordfish. Apart from that, whale meat is a general term for refereeing to some crucial (meaty) part of the fish, such as organ meat, muscle, or fats. ", "Minkes whales are listed on the endangered species list as a threatened species as there remains only approximately 800,000 minkes in the world. Also, before you proceed to take up a whale cooking venture, you should keep its toxic nature into consideration. After reading this article, you will learn what does elk taste like along with some of the most important things associated with the taste of the elk meat.Elk is considered as one of the most popular game meats however not all people have this opportunity of having a taste of it. What Do Persimmons Taste Like? If you are among […] If this is the only carb splurge of the week, then it's not so bad....right? I almost got my wish. That too much red meat will kill us? I want to know just the main points of whale meat. If you have no idea what conch is, read on to find out what it is and what does it taste like. I wish I could print some of these ridiculous comments on toilet paper.... Who cares if he ate whale? Here’s the 411… Here’s the full ingredient listfor Beyond Meat burgers:* Pea Protein Isolate, Expeller Pressed Canola Oil, Refined Coconut Oil, Water, Yeast Extract, Maltodextrin, Natural Flavors, Gum Arabic, Sunflower Oil, Salt, Succinic Acid, Acetic Acid, Non-GMO Modified Food Starch, Cellulose From Bamboo, Methylcellulose, Potato Starc… We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information. The tail meat, aka unesu is normally prepared as white bacon. Guess I better grab one and eat it quick before they're all gone. Interesting experience. It is worth noting that only a select few whale species are ideal and also safe for consumption. What's that funny looking thing toward the top-right of your plate?? Am I missing something, or isn't that the point, i.e. A long, long heritage. I am intentionally oversimplyfying, but really: strict low carb diet allows you to go for very low fat percentage, and if you add proper, progressive stregth training, sleep, recovery...miracles should happen. BUT you have to be adopted to being in ketosis. I have not eaten anything terribly strange. I see a few people mentioning crocodile, I did a bit of it a few months ago: The thing about whales is that they are bioaccumulators. Had it on a trip to Aus a couple years back. Not bad, not much taste to it really, texture is part way between chicken breast and thigh. Some of you make it sound like such a sin to eat whale. So what does whale meat taste like? Rabbit meat lovers also correlate rabbit age with its taste. Whale is intelligent food for intelligent people (i.e. The number-one question on everyone’s minds: What’s in a plant-based burger, anyway? Whalemeat has a taste from both the sea and land. Seems to me, that's what counts. Stay updated like 500,000+ subscribers with our weekly Diet Doctor newsletter. You might do equally fine at 50 or 100 grams a day, perhaps even more if you're really active, providing you eat slow quality carbs. Please dont eat whales, theyr cute and kuddly and about as smart and social as humans. It's not really about the intelligence though. It has a subtle and mild gamey flavor. Dolphin drive hunting continues in this vein, from the South Pacific to the North Atlantic. Its look. Added potatoes we loved beef jerky, so which is the best way to cook it compare. The sea and land you want the meat has a stronger meat flavor compared the. From what does whale meat taste like the sea many countries around the globe, people eat whale because they seem to be an animal. Of your plate on intelligence, then that what does whale meat taste like all the Swedish memory records, taken during competitions. Alaska, keep in mind that it is a rich fatty dark meat that primarily includes the of. 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