Can we say, challenge? Christmas trees and their decorations can potentially cause harm to cats without the right care and attention but there are a host of different types of tree to choose from. One of my cats, not the sharpest tool in the box, never noticed the tree was there till around 12th Night! Lex would fight with the branches, jump in the tree; Lex is crazy and that is just the way we love him. Here we look at the dangers to look out for and how to keep your cats and dogs safe around the festive trees. Although, that will not stop them from trying to reach through and grab. Poinsettias, or Christmas Stars A very popular decorative plant at Christmas because of their pretty, brightly colored leaves, poinsettias can give cats and dogs digestive problems and irritate their skin. If you have a cat, which shows an interest in chewing your Christmas cactus and displays any of the above symptoms we recommend you move the plant to an area (or room) your cat can’t access. What Cat Toys Should You Buy for Your Cat? However, they still contain PVC and will emit toxic chemicals. I purchased a flocked Christmas tree during Christmas in July, on sale. Should You Be Giving Vitagravy to Your Cat? Even though the question refers to “live” trees, artificial trees, such as the one… Avoid dampening your holiday cheer with an emergency veterinary visit by following these tips: When in doubt, check out the ASPCA’s list of toxic and non-toxic plants before adding greenery and bright blooms to your home. There’s nothing quite like heading out on a chilly I will share the same advice with you; Why are Christmas trees and their decorations considered toxic? While trees aren't the greatest concern for pets, they are considered "mildly toxic," according to pet supply company Hartz. Some artificial Christmas trees are made of combination of PVC or polyethylene (PE) which makes them better than artificial Christmas trees with 100% PVC material. Live Trees: Fir, spruce, and pine trees make excellent Christmas trees, but their oils can irritate your pet’s mouth, leading to excessive drooling or vomiting. One of the things that really signals Christmas is here, is putting up the Christmas tree and decorations. The short answer is, Yes. Use Obstacles to Separate Christmas Trees and Cats You can surround the tree with a barricade or objects, like a cat pen , to obstruct access to the Christmas tree. The Spruce Pets uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. A pet would have to ingest a massive amount of this plant to cause poisoning, and most pets won’t eat a large enough amount because of the irritating taste and feel from the sap. My house mate wants to get a Christmas tree for the living room. It’s because live trees — like some other holiday plants — *link to holiday safety tips piece* — can potentially be toxic to pets. Though most cats typically will not eat the needles of a tree, there are some cats that be curious enough to do so. What about the water in the tree stand that your pup slurped up? f you have a household with one or both (cats and/or children), skip the artificial snow and wait for the real stuff! Are the needles your kitty chewed on toxic? he isn't home a lot cause he is a truck driver so they come to me and snub him sometimes, and they really are his cats..LOL. Christmas trees can be dangerous for dogs and cats if your pets consume their needles or ornaments, drink the tree water or chew on the Christmas tree lights. The tree needles are not easily digested either; possibly causing GI irritation, vomiting, gastrointestinal obstruction or puncture. Avoid these four most dangerous plants when decorating for the holidays: You may wonder why the poinsettia is not listed as a toxic holiday plant. What is the Best Oil For Your Cat’s Health? The number for the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center is (888) 426-4435. By using The Spruce Pets, you accept our, The Dangers Associated With Christmas Trees, How to Prevent Christmas Plant Toxicities in Your Pet, The 13 Best Christmas Gifts for Your Dog in 2020, The 7 Best Advent Calendars for Pets in 2020, Insects That Are Toxic to Cats (And a Few That Aren't). Should You Be Giving Famciclovir to Cats? The good news is my friend’s Christmas tree is totally cat-proofed. Done! But are Christmas trees toxic to cats? 800.392.6468 From the Christmas presents, the Christmas parties, the Christmas cookies, and the Christmas trees, it's no wonder it's considered "the most wonderful season of all. There's a lot you need to know to make things go smoothly with your new friend. They are very good at jumping great distances. The Christmas lights have been hung with care, but apparently one of the tiny fuses has blown. happy mother of 2 cats that keep my blood preasure down and my hubby teased. "But with all those good things come situations that test our merrymaking mettle. Be mindful of your cat’s activity with your tree. So, in an effort to have a cat-safe Christmas tree, they began anchoring their live trees to the wall. Related Articles: Pesticides, fertilisers and tree preservers can leech out of the soil when the tree is watered which can pose a danger if the cat drinks the contaminated water. Meow! 1 Cats can cause a lot of problems if they play with Christmas trees, but you can take precautions. While you may have visions of stringing popcorn garlands, tinsel strands, and salt dough ornaments along your beautiful fir tree, your pet will be drooling at your feet, eager to make a snack out of the conveniently hung treats. Christmas cactus; Conclusion. If possible, place your tree in a room where you have the ability to close the door when you have to leave. In most cases, popular Christmas tree species, such as blue spruce and Douglas fir, are not poisonous to cats, though ingesting sharp needles can wreak havoc with a cat's digestive system. Read our, The Spruce Pets uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Some cats are keen climbers, and a lit-up tree presents a challenge they won’t be able to resist. The fir tree oil, if consumer by your cat, can cause mouth and stomach irritation. Christmas trees themselves, whether real or artificial, can be a hazard if your cat has a tendency to climb things they shouldn’t. You know how cats can jump, so giving them a head start, like setting the tree next to an end table, is a bad idea. Additionally, most modern Christmas trees are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is toxic to animals and humans alike. The needles can create more of an issue, as they are not easily digested and can cause gastrointestinal irritation, … Are Christmas trees toxic to cats? Some cats regard Christmas trees as a delightful playground. Lol. Christmas trees and decorations hazardous to cats. Christmas tree dangers to cats. Even without food-based and shiny decorations, your Christmas tree can pose a threat to your furry friend. Sharp needles can cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract if they are swallowed. Even non-toxic Christmas trees still pose a risk to cats. Bonsai trees deepen the beauty of your house. We as cat lovers know that our curious babies want to know why lights are blinking, why balls are shining; Wait until the cats see the ornaments swinging! Pine trees are toxic for cats, notes Petcha, because they may cause liver damage and can be fatal. Artificial Christmas trees may contain a host of toxic contaminants, like lead. Most cats cannot resist them, as their branches serve as swings and punching bags for some felines. Now, most cats aren’t going to find the taste of pine or fir to be appealing, but it likely takes a nibble for them to figure that out. Real Christmas Trees Can Make Cats Sick. 5. During the holiday season, you’re likely overwhelmed by your to-do list—picking the perfect gifts, cutting down the most beautiful tree, and baking mouth-watering goodies to share. 3 Use repellent smells … Exciting household items emerge from the attic once a year, tempting your pet into causing trouble if you’re not careful. Christmas trees and cats! Before you potentially expose your family to toxins, find out the facts. Christmas cactus is non-toxic to cats although the Pet Poison Helpline does say that mild nausea, vomiting and diarrhea can occur in some cats. The holidays are like a gift that keeps on giving. To be on the safe side, ensure all plants are kept out of paw’s reach. Learn how your comment data is processed. Cat Proof Christmas Trees at a glance. Cat Tip of the Day: How to Deal With a Lazy Cat, How to Choose Cat Litter and a Cat Litter Box. Rapper Quits Music Career to Start a Cat Rescue, Why a Cat Has Been on This Tampa Roof for 70 Years, Three Rare Cat Species May Go Extinct if Not Better Protected, Man in China Travels All the Way to Turkey to Adopt Van Cat, 10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Arabian Mau, 10 Things You Didn’t Know about The Chocolate Point Siamese, 10 Things You Didn’t Know about The Black Maine Coon Cat, 10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Australian Mist Cat, How to Make a Thanksgiving Meal Your Cat Can Enjoy, How to Keep Your Cat Litter From Tracking Everywhere. Christmas Tree. What can you do to protect your feline? (And does your cat go along with what most cats do anyway?) I would recommend a baby gate, but to our cats–that’s a joke. Christmas trees aren’t a hazard to your cats and dogs by being poisonous, but the RSPCA advise that your pets only be allowed around the tree when supervised. Outfitted in sparkling lights, shiny baubles, and at the perfect height for climbing or chewing, many Christmas trees have met their fateful end at the paws of a pet. Others are pretty much uninterested. I have heard that they are toxic to cats so I was not a huge fan of having a Christmas tree (unless it was a fake Christmas tree) but then my other house mate said that he wanted a Christmas tree too. Max is gone now, but Brenda and her husband, John Myers, learned their lesson: Cats and Christmas trees can be a destructive force. While pets can be attracted to delicious smells wafting from the kitchen, glittering decorations adorning the tabletops, or brightly colored greenery spread throughout your home, many cats and dogs are awed by the star of the show—the Christmas tree. 2 Cats can get hurt, sick, or worse if they eat treated tree water, tinsel, pine needles, or glass ornaments. If your pet is a known chewer, choose artificial plants over real ones. Philippe Huguen/AFP via Getty Images I had no idea, and gave it no thought! Although the most common Christmas trees, such as real pine or fir trees, aren’t toxic to cats should your four-legged pal simply brush past it, if your kitty should eat pine needles, sap, drink the water or chew on the branches you may find yourself in hot water. Amaryllis Toxic To Dogs. Call animal poison control if you suspect your pet has eaten something toxic. Others are attracted by sparkly decorations. Fake Christmas trees are definitely safe for cats. As a cat person who has had everything from fake to real trees, I’d like to shed some light on the subject and give you some ideas as to what to expect and how to handle your cats being around fake Christmas trees. Christmas Trees and Decorations. If your cast insists on biting the tree there is a product called. Barricade your Christmas tree behind baby gates or pens to keep your pet out. "The oils produced by some real Christmas trees are also mildly toxic if consumed, causing minor irritation to a pet's mouth and stomach," the charity added. So, I’m thinking my light outlined Christmas Tree will have to be on the ceiling or a small tree in a cage. Artificial snow is a beautiful addition to a Christmas tree skirt, but it is toxic for cats and children. Consider keeping your holiday plants behind closed doors in people-only rooms instead. I could keep my cat Mia downstairs for the whole of Christmas. If you wish to have a live tree, choose a fir or spruce. Christmas trees are one of many holiday plants that can be toxic to pets. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Keep your cats safe by choosing non-toxic Bonsai trees. NO. Christmas trees are considered mildly toxic and consuming the tree’s needles can be very dangerous for your pets. The fir tree oil, if consumer by your cat, can cause mouth and stomach irritation. Let’s discover how dangerous Christmas trees are for cats and dogs, and what other holiday decorations may cause toxicity issues in your pet. Her cat “Lex” had a love affair with her Christmas tree! Double check your plant placement, as cats can jump high enough to reach plants placed out of reach. At most, your pet may experience vomiting and diarrhea, but will likely stop eating the plant once she discovers how irritating the sap is to her mouth and throat. The fir tree oils can irritating to the mouth and stomach, causing excessive drooling or vomiting. Pounce? Although you may be worried about your Christmas tree’s demise, what about your pet? So I am out voted. There are two points of concern with eating needles from live Christmas trees: With the many tasks filling your days, you may not be able to dedicate as much time as normal to your furry friend, allowing your pet to find mischief. Last year I went to my friend Shay’s home and–Wowza! Melissa Murray, RVT, has worked with dogs and cats for over 10 years, focusing on pain management, nutrition, and behavior. Stop your cat from knocking the Christmas tree over 100% non-PVC Christmas trees will be the most non toxic option although 100% non-PVC doesn’t mean they are chemical free. Christmas Tree Decorations are a target for most cats. The only place our 4 cats cannot reach is the ceiling. I really think this information should have been shared. This evening, I read a couple of articles online stating that the flocking on trees is toxic to pets!!! Additionally, you should regularly dispose of any stray needles–no matter the tree type–because they're sharp and may be dangerous to your kitty's internal organs. My friend Shay placed the tree away from tables, bookshelves, and other launching pads Lex typically uses. Some can even be deadly. Other species of pine tree, however, particularly Norfolk pine, house pine and Australian pine, are toxic to cats. If you’re a cat owner, it won’t surprise you to find that cats love Christmas trees. Pet Poison Helpline. Jump! Although many people believe that poinsettias can kill their pets, that is a rarity. Real Christmas trees contain fir tree oil that is considered to be mildly toxic to cats. Christmas trees are considered to be mildly toxic. I advised Shay about the dangers of Christmas trees and cats the year she brought Lex home from a shelter. You should be careful while purchasing these trees because some are toxic to your cats, while some are friendlier. Though most cats typically will not eat the needles of a tree, there are some cats that be curious enough to do so. Yes. Tree needles, if digested can cause. Michelle did brought on her a whole decorated Christmas tree but nothing happened to her; the glass spheres, however... She would never leave the floor beyond a favorite empty plant pot, was normally invited on the bed and would not stay. An artificial tree is a wise choice for cat owners but if your heart is set on a real tree, a Spruce or Fir tree could be a safer bet. Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List - Cats Plants Toxic to Cats Adam-and-Eve (Arum, Lord-and-Ladies, Wake Robin, Starch Root, Bobbins, Cuckoo Plant) | Scientific Names: Arum maculatum | Family: Araceae Keeping the tree in an area where it stands alone is a great idea. The best way to cat-proof your tree is by placing smaller Christmas balls, as well as glass towards the top of the tree. The oils produced by some real Christmas trees are also mildly toxic if consumed, causing minor irritation to a pet’s mouth and stomach. But, if your pet nibbles on your plant, no matter what type, be sure to contact your veterinarian or animal poison control for advice. Brenda Martin's cat, Max, once toppled a Christmas tree in his zeal to leap into it. Of course this doesn't mean you can't have a Christmas tree — especially since most pets aren't interested in tasting it beyond a few curious licks. The tree oils can be irritating to the mouth and stomach, which causes excessive drooling or … Real Christmas trees contain fir tree oil that is considered to be mildly toxic to cats. But, too much chewing can lead to a foreign body obstruction if ingested. Before setting up your Christmas card photo of your pet bedecked in antlers or an elf hat in front of the tree, consider these potential hazards: Besides the star attraction of the Christmas season, other holiday plants can take the stage with causing toxicity in your pet. Christmas trees, whether real or artificial, can be a hazard for homes with pets during the holiday season. Christmas trees can be toxic
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