️ ️ #GatherTheHerd, #TheElephantQueen Apple announced on Friday that for all views of the film in 2019 on Apple TV+, Apple will make a donation to support elephant conservation efforts in the region where The Elephant Queen … Perso j’ai pas encore commencé à regarder (SEE) mais bon je pense qu’il faut laisser une chance... Netflix, en dehors de ses séries, les films ne sont pas terribles... c’est mon avis, à voir avec le temps ! On 18th April 2019, the BBC One series, Earth From Space, launched in the UK with an episode featuring Samburu’s elephants. See the release date and trailer. Créé par la réalisatrice Victoria Stone et la productrice Lucinda Englehart, ce documentaire retrace l'histoire vraie d'éléphants qui se déplacent en groupe pour trouver un nouvel endroit où vivre. Tweeter. Ken Jaworowski Oct 17, 2019. ; A record of the entry may be seen at Wikipedia:Recent additions/2019/November. Learn more at www.savetheelephants.org. To celebrate the release of The Elephant Queen on Apple TV+, for all views of the film in 2019, Apple will make a donation to support elephant conservation in the region where The Elephant Queen was filmed. Celui-ci s'appelle "The Elephant Queen". From the savannahs of Africa to the rainforests of the Amazon, Conservation International works to protect the nature that people rely on for food, freshwater and a stable climate. $100 . Narrated by Chiwetel Ejiofor. C'est juste, en lieu et place de ce genre d'annonce, devraient se mettre dans la légalité. The Big Picture: As the largest terrestrial mammal in the world, African elephants are hard to miss in the grasslands of Kenya — which makes them easy targets for poachers seeking valuable ivory tusks. Warning: Spoilers. En 2018, 25 000 éléphants ont été tués par des braconniers. Nous avons pu voir ce documentaire et il faut l'avouer, en plus d'avoir l'effet "Woaw" avec la 4K, il a la particularité d'être captivant et passionnant ! Apple TV, Ciné/TV, News, Apple TV, The Elephant Queen - Si vous aimez le documentaire The Elephant Queen, vous serez ravi d'apprendre que, pour chaque visionnage du documentaire Apple TV+ en 2019, la firme de Cupertino fera un don à la réserve d'éléphants de la région où le documentaire a été tourné. 276 J'aime; 91 Commentaires ; J'aime 276. Save the Elephants worked closely with the BBC film crew on the story, even assisting them with capturing the unique shot of elephants from space. Humans are responsible for the climate chaos that's destroying our planet & the majestic creatures like Athena & her young she guards with such care. Commenter . The Official Showtimes Destination Elephant. The Elephant Queen’s first half could work as an introduction to the life in the African savanna and the synergy way of life between the gentle giants and their smaller neighbours; it also works as an intentional-unintentional accompanying piece to Apple TV’s Tiny World first episode. ils espèrent attirer l attention et ça marchera peux être sur leurs 10 clients , La bonne action la vraie BA c’est de payer ses impôts en France plus d’un milliard d’euros Apple doit de quoi racheter notre dette nationale comme Google, Vous êtes ici : Accueil > Vidéo > Bonne action : Apple va faire une donation pour chaque visionnage de The Elephant Queen. Florida: IEF registration CH40495. On en a pas beaucoup parlé, mais dans le petit catalogue d'Apple TV+, il y a un documentaire formidable. from space. Specializing in elephant research, they provide scientific insights into elephant behavior, intelligence, and long-distance movements and apply them to the challenges of elephant survival. Audiences are encouraged to gather friends and family to watch and share The Elephant Queen. Photos capture rare ‘elephant queen’ before her death in Kenya Will Burrard-Lucas captured a series of black-and-white photographs of a “big tusker” roaming in Kenya’s Tsavo National Park. Apple n'annonce pas officiellement toutes les bonnes actions qu'elle fait chaque année. Alors que l'éléphant est un symbole de sagesse pour les Africains, ils sont chaque jour menacé par le braconnage pour l'ivoire. Your donation to the Wildlife Conservation Network will help protect Athena's family and other wild elephant families for generations to come. Comme le reste d'Apple TV+, "The Elephant Queen" sera proposé aux abonnés Apple TV sur iPhone et iPad (OS 13), Mac (macOS Catalina), Apple TV 4K, HD et les Apple TV de 3ème génération à jour. ils font ça simplement pcq ça marche pas. Sort by: Filter by Rating: 10 /10. They imagine a healthy, prosperous world in which societies are committed to caring for nature, for the long-term benefit of people, and all life on Earth. The Elephant Queen. Curious as to how the BBC achieved this Suivez-nous ! J’ai téléchargé ce documentaire et je me réjouis d’autant plus à le regarder d’ici peu!!! THE ELEPHANT QUEEN is the result of filmmakers Mark Deeble's and Victoria Stone's (who happen to be married) spending four years filming wildlife in Kenya. An elephant …. 7 remèdes naturels contre les petits maux de l’hiver. How hard could it be? The views on Apple TV+ will help protect elephants in East Africa. Jane Edge navigates the philanthropic world and highlights its wastage, as well as its successes in protecting Africa’s giants. Search for screenings / showtimes and book tickets for The Elephant Queen. Elephant. It is only through the generous support of donors that we are able to continue our important elephant conservation work. The Elephant Queen (2018) User Reviews Review this title 12 Reviews. Facebook Instagram . As for the others in the herd, they do not have names, and it takes an effort of will to remember that the main three don’t really have names either, unless you speak elephant. iPhoneSoft finance la production de son contenu et ses serveurs grâce à une publicité modérée et non intrusive. Learn more at wildnet.org. Bruno De Malaisie - iPad premium ↩. This epic journey, narrated by Chiwetel Ejiofor, takes audiences across the African savannah, and into the heart of an elephant family. Yet The Elephant Queen sets out, first and foremost, to use a narrative to build compassion. 80. Ma vie en couleurs respecte vos choix liés à vos données personnelles. And here, a good story is as effective as a shout. The Elephant Queen: Video Review More From Common Sense Media UP NEXT. $500 . We rely entirely on funds, grants and donations from around the world, so thank you for helping us to secure a future for these fascinating creatures. Meghan asked for a donation to be made to Elephants Without Borders, which works to protect the animals from poaching. Partager. 80. @Nyko_13 - iPhone The Elephant Queen, on the other hand, works with just animals and narration to create an evocative tale. Save the Elephants is funded almost entirely by private donations. je pense que la concurrence sera rude netflix mais surtout disney voire hbo a voire avec le temp. Hide Spoilers. DOCUMENTARY; Embark on an epic journey of family, courage, and coming home in this feature-length documentary. Read full review. Partager . Athena is a mother who will do everything in her power to protect her herd when they are forced to leave their waterhole. Elephant queen. Au début Netflix en France c’était de la merde, souvenez vous, @Ted Bounty - iPhone Wildlife Conservation Network (WCN) protects endangered wildlife by supporting conservationists who ensure wildlife and people co-exist and thrive. Partager. High tech tracking and other tools help STE work towards a harmonious coexistence between humans and elephants. $1,000 . The Elephant Queen premieres November 1 Embark on an epic journey of love, courage and coming home. Yet “The Elephant Queen” sets out, first and foremost, to use a narrative to build compassion. Join Athena, the majestic matriarch, as she leads her elephant herd across an unforgiving African landscape filled with vibrant wildlife. Shot over four years in Kenya, The Elephant Queen boasts an undeniable authenticity, thanks to its filmmakers' quarter-century of experience making wildlife films in Africa. C'est grâce à une interview dans le média BuildSeries, qu'on a appris qu'Apple calcule chaque visionnage du documentaire "The Elephant Queen" pour en faire un don. En poursuivant votre navigation, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies sur le site et nos partenaires tiers pour personnaliser le contenu, la publicité ainsi que pour les mesures d'audience. And here, a good story is as effective as a shout. Young viewers could certainly handle a few more harsh facts. Distribution de Disney+ : Un accord a été trouvé entre Amazon et Disney, Il créé un hybride Macbook-iPad grâce à Sidecar, Raccourci : générer automatiquement la nouvelle attestation de confinement, Le bug des messages SMS sur iOS 14 prend de l’ampleur, Apple officialise le casque AirPods Max à 629€, L'application TousAntiCovid a coûté plus de 6 millions d'euros, Apple lance MacOS 11 Big Sur au téléchargement en version finale, RED by SFR : un forfait 4G 100 Go à 14€ "à vie", Touch ID : 80% souhaitent son retour sur le prochain iPhone 13, Les meilleures coques pas chères pour iPhone 12 / Mini / Pro / Max, iOS 14.2 provoquerait une chute importante de la batterie. The Elephant Queen… Read full review. Join Athena, the majestic matriarch, as she leads her elephant herd across an unforgiving African landscape. With Sadoc Vazkez, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Sadoc Vazquez. Recevoir nos informations importantes, cf mentions légales en bas de page. Enjoy the movie and help make a real difference for elephants. A run of Christmas cards sent by the Queen and Prince Philip to an employee on the Sandringham estate have been put up for auction. Yet elephants remain under siege, with some 100,000 elephants lost to poaching in that time alone. Courtesy Will Burrard-Lucas Elephant queen. These elephants are increasingly rare. En plus des décisions pour la protection de l'environnement grâce à l'alimentation de ses infrastructures en énergie renouvelable, la firme californienne va aussi faire un don à la réserve d'éléphants qui est présente dans la région où le documentaire Apple TV+ a été tourné pendant plusieurs mois. Merci de cliquer sur le bouton ci-dessous pour donner votre accord. Although a copy of our financial report is available by contacting the International Elephant Foundation, certain states require us to advise you that a copy is also available from them. Découvrir plus . Tu penses qu’Apple tv + ne fonctionnera pas ? Learn more at www.conservation.org. The views on Apple TV+ will help protect elephants in East Africa. WCN proudly sends 100% of designated donations directly to the field, investing in entrepreneurial conservationists to enhance their efforts to save species, their habitats, and help local communities. Select an amount Please select your tax-deductible gift amount below * $20 . column on 15 November 2019 (check views).The text of the entry was as follows: Did you know... that for their 2019 documentary film The Elephant Queen, the two directors followed elephant herds for four years? Bonne action : Apple va faire une donation pour chaque visionnage de The Elephant Queen. Narrated by Chiwetel Ejiofor , the movie chronicles the yearlong journey of Athena, a 50-year-old elephant matriarch who must guide her herd of females and juveniles on a perilous trek to find water. Audiences are encouraged to gather friends and family to watch and share The Elephant Queen. Harry and Meghan have a history with the organization. As seen in The Elephant Queen, there are few animals on this planet as awe-inspiring and bonded by family ties as the elephant. A group of about 580 savanna elephants recently returned to Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo after crossing over from Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda. Directors Victoria Stone and Mark Deeble discuss their motivations for making “The Elephant Queen,” including educating the people of Kenya to perceive elephants in a new light. Merci d'ajouter iPhoneSoft.fr en exception de votre bloqueur de publicité. Les réserves naturelles ont pour objectif d'apporter un environnement sécurisé et surveiller pour ces grands mammifères, le don que fera Apple aidera très probablement à renforcer la surveillance des populations d'éléphants et l'étude de leur évolution. Article. $250 . A fact from The Elephant Queen appeared on Wikipedia's Main Page in the Did you know? Surtout que ce documentaire payé chez Apple est libre sur une foule de plateformes comme Rakuten qui a été présente ici même... 5. :), @luffyichi - iPhone premium Official selection of TIFF and Sundance. Embark on an epic journey of family, courage, and coming home in the critically acclaimed documentary, The Elephant Queen. The incredible film The Elephant Queen is now on Apple TV+ For all views in 2019 Apple will make a donation to support elephant conservation in Tsavo, Kenya where the film was made. Partager. Watch The Elephant Queen now on the Apple TV app: http://www.apple.co/_ElephantQueenEmbark on an epic journey of love, courage and coming home. Plus le documentaire sera vu, plus le don sera important. @luffyichi - iPhone premium :
Powerful & Sad pamelareh 12 December 2019. Save the Elephants (STE) works to secure a future for elephants. Meghan Markle has signed a voiceover deal with Disney in return for a donation to an elephant charity. Directed by Mark Deeble, Victoria Stone. To celebrate the release of The Elephant Queen on Apple TV+, for all views of the film in 2019, Apple will make a donation to support elephant conservation in the region where The Elephant Queen was filmed. $50 . It's estimated that fewer than 20 remain in Africa. Si vous avez besoin d'aide sur un autre sujet, rendez-vous sur notre. Deal with Disney in return for a donation to an Elephant charity les... To come importantes, cf mentions légales en bas de Page that fewer than 20 remain in Africa une de! Premium ils font ça simplement pcq ça marche pas Apple est libre sur une foule plateformes... Apple va faire une donation pour chaque visionnage de the Elephant Queen everything her. 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